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About Dyn01

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  1. Squad name:- MTF-TAU Timezone/location : We have people from all around Europe but the average timezone is CEST (anyone from Europe is welcome) Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): Pve/Coop we usually play dynamic recon ops or a scenario our creator makes. Contact email: Dyn02905@gmail.com (its easier if you use my discord: Dyn0#5215 so we can speak in a call) Website address: (we use discord instead of a website so add me ^^^) Short description: We are a special ops team of roughly 14 people at the moment, we are trying to expand to a sustainable number of active players. We prefer to go in stealthy with minimal civilian casualties, we dont negotiate with terrorists and no prisoners are taken unless it is mission critical. The group is in-between serious and semi-serious and our set op date is saturdays at 20:20 CEST. We play with ace, TFAR and a bunch of sound mods to make a better and more realistic player experience along with around 40-60 other mods depending on if we cut down on them or not in the future. Language: English