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M. Rust

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Everything posted by M. Rust

  1. I want to assign a destroy objective to a squad when a unit is killed. When a CSAT soldier is killed I want a trigger to cause an objective to destroy a radio tower to be assigned to a specific squad of players. Think of it like this. Main force attacks an objective. When an enemy unit is killed, it trigger's an objective for another squad to be assigned to them.
  2. I want players' loadouts to be saved when they leave the protection zone around their spawn so that when they respawn they have the loadout they created at the beginning of the mission. I know I need bis_fnc_saveInventory and then bis_fnc_loadInventory inside onPlayerRespawn.sqf but I don't know how to get the protection zone to save the inventory. I saw a video of this a looong time ago but I can't remember how to do it. If anyone knows of a video for it that would be appreciated.
  3. Perfect that's even better! Worked like a charm! Was setting up a mission for a clan I'm in and we use specific loadouts and need everyone to keep whatever they pick at mission start. Thanks baton!