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About Lord1385

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    Private First Class

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  1. That's what it says in config.cpp... but there's no loot... From the editor, I put the buildings there and took the classnames of the buildings and lootpoints from the editor
  2. Where do I find this file? I only put it in the config.cpp in the server_config.pbo where the others are nowhere else.
  3. Hello, but the server is up and running and everything is working except the loot in the 3 buildings. and I know what the problem is, too, so it's too bad I can't fix it that easily. MfG
  4. Hello, i have a question again and that is i have no loot in the CUP and Rosche buildings. now i have added the mods to misson.sqm so that the game knows which mods the classnames are from, but when i start the server it tells me missing mods. what am i doing wrong? edit: I have the mods but otherwise I could not play.
  5. Hello, I have once again a problem and that is missing with me on the XM8 the settings button on page 2, so I can not make myself visible on the map that you can create a party.
  6. I tried to add the XM8.dll and the XM8.so back to the Arma 3 directory. Since then the server doesn't start anymore, I deleted it and it still didn't work, also I reinstalled the MySQL and it didn't work. Then I reinstalled extDB3 and it didn't work either. Then I contacted you in the hope you can help me. Unfortunately extDB does not send a log that I can look into it. Thanks for your help Edit: I don't know what I've done now, I just started up the server and tried to join, and then I came up as if nothing had ever happened. Thanks
  7. Hello again :-), i have again a problem with the database i do not know what i did but i get the following error message: 21:29:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _clanids 21:29:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf..., line 20 21:29:35 CallExtension 'extDB2' could not be found 21:29:35 Error in expression <"extDB2" callExtension _query); switch (_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 21:29:35 Error position: <_result select 0) do { case 0: { (format> 21:29:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 21:29:35 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectFull.sqf..., line 16 21:29:35 Error in expression <uery_selectFull; _numberOfClans = count _clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > 21:29:35 Error position: <_clanIDs; if (_numberOfClans > 0) then > I'm using the X64 version of Arma III, so I'm using extDB3, it ran 1A the last days but somehow it tells me that it won't start anymore. Would I be happy about help and thanks a lot
  8. Sorry I thought that would work...
  9. Hello, I have now set up a PVE server on Rosche. My problem, I have no loot in many buildings. I have already edited the config.cpp but it doesn't really work, because I don't know what kind of buildings were used. If someone would be so kind and can provide me with the exile_server_config from Rosche I only need the current class CfgBuildings from it. Thanks a lot in advance Greetings from Germany
  10. Hello, have the following problem would like to create an Exile Rosche server on 64 bit basis. I'm using extDB3, the problem is that when I try to join the server it crashes and goes down. Now I have it so far that it stops at Requesting Bambie character. i will add the RPT and the extDB3 log: