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Posts posted by lilithsspawn

  1. 32 minutes ago, nicklomas said:

    Is there a reason why RHS don't work with CUP or is this due to differences in the direction that you want to take? Just curious as I use both mods and thought collaboration between both would produce some outstanding results........results i'd happily pay £30-40 for as DLC instead of the current DLC content.


    Also do you recommend a guide on how to start of on building your own models? After over 20 years of enjoying yours and other modders content i'd like to try and give back with something,.

    RHS and CUP are collaborating, by sharing insights and the like. Indeed the directions are different, as RHS focuses mainly on the forces of the United States and Russia, and CUP is focussing on expanding and upgrading Arma 3 with a giant variety of factions, weapons, vehicles and maps. Also, RHS takes a more realistic approach to things, like in the form of a completely different armor system than vanilla Arma 3, while CUP has a more casual/vanilla approach.

    This is a great tutorial series on how to learn to make your own models. However, be aware that making a model is only half the job, as importing said models into the game and make it work more or less flawlessly is a whole different level.


    • Like 4

  2. On 4/13/2021 at 8:56 PM, Ex3B said:

    Ah, previously I was working from a guide which basically said to use the sample models, and extract the textures from your A2 pbos... which I have done to port(and then modify to sometimes heavy extents) the AH-64, F-35, V-22, C-130, and Vodnik... yet this time it didn't work. Thanks for directing me to a better way...

    Unfortunately, those links don't seem to work for me, and I can't download them.

    Found the torrent for the files, from here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Licensed_Data_Pack#ALDP_A2OA_PBOs_ADPL-SA_APL-SA.zip

    *edit* but no seeders... 

    Does it work now? Cause when I click the link everything works just fine

  3. 23 minutes ago, NightIntruder said:

    Yeah, they said A3 is not the end of the ARMA series, and future BI games will be based on Enfusion. No one said it's going to be Arma4, tho (whatever it would be). It might as well be a remake of A2 in the new engine which would be warmly welcomed by myself. Looking at what kind of vehicles and wrecks they were working on and then thrown into DayZ makes me believe in that. It'd be a really cost-effective solution from BI perspective. So perhaps, DayZ then may show us the current state of both Enfusion capabilities and limitations? It would be an ecstatic experience seeing this embassy's hall bathed in the light 😉

    This is getting really off-topic, but no unfortunately DayZ is not really showing us the capabilities and limitations of the Enfusion Engine. Long and complicated story short, DayZ is a hybrid of RV (the engine Arma and TOH use) and Enfusion. Afaik only the rendering and character controller are Enfusion, while the core is still good ol' RV. That's why the framerate has really improved in DayZ since the beta, but it still has it's arma-ish quirks.

    • Like 3

  4. 7 hours ago, da12thMonkey said:

    The weapon in the RHSAFRFDEV Arsenal is currently a testbed reyhard has done for an eventHandler script that varies the weapon's rate of fire in full-auto mode. In this case, firing two shots at very high rate burst followed by a normal rate of fire

    So for now it's just intended to behave like an AN-94, not to be an AN-94


    Reyhard back at it again, doing literal magic

  5. 30 minutes ago, Valken said:


    I'm going to err on caution and ask WHAT is NOT clean? Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.


    If they have a few models ripped, then that is right to remove it. But if there are original content, those should be left alone if the rest of the mods are the "clean" under the established rules. Blanket bans by association such as those to this mod are ongoing signs of bad moderation or lack of attention. Both also needs addressing.


    If you do not know or unsure, do not do it. 

    The problem is that probably every model by KA is ripped from one game or another.

  6. 2 hours ago, nicklomas said:

    Great mod chaps. I was wondering if you are planning to add any more for the CDF? Also is there an option to have pagst helmets?


    Finally got a new laptop which can play this at acceptable levels so enjoying this mod after hours on arma 2.

    There are already PAGST helmets.

    Or do you mean PAGST in TTsKO specifically?
