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About seandep

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  1. seandep

    Game not starting

    im not sure what im looking for but there was some errors at the end ,,,steam problems? error steamlayer found items with no tags,,,then id numbers?? im just a noob with computers ,,, 2021-01-03 13:09:14,248 [ERROR] 46: SteamLayer: Found item with no tags. PublishedId=2239004111 2021-01-03 13:09:14,249 [ERROR] 46: SteamLayer: Found item with no tags. PublishedId=2237319609 2021-01-03 13:09:14,249 [ERROR] 46: SteamLayer: Found item with no tags. PublishedId=2237323418 2021-01-03 13:09:14,249 [ERROR] 46: SteamLayer: Found item with no tags. PublishedId=2237324822
  2. seandep

    Game not starting

    Thanks mate I’ll have a go tomorrow, it’s just like it’s frozen in it’s current state and if I add anything new it stops it working ...
  3. seandep

    Game not starting

    Sorry I forgot but I download all mods through steam workshop , thanks
  4. seandep

    Game not starting

    Hi all , I wonder if anyone can help me with this ,, if I install a new mod the game won’t start with the battle eye or game not started box , I have quite a lot of mods installed and the game runs smoothly, but soon as I install a new one it stops , any ideas ?
  5. seandep

    weird blue screen

    its like a pale blue fog
  6. seandep

    weird blue screen

    hi all ,before I start im a noob at this but ive got this weird blue screen when I start the infantry showcase ,can anybody help ...thanks ,I cant upload a screenshot for some reason but its all light blue theres no other colour v
  7. thanks mate ,ive been away and ive tried that to no avail....I just deleted all the 3.13 ace files and went back to ace 3.12 where everything works again ….thanks for your help sir
  8. hi everybody ,im probably a noob at this but since the ace 3 update I haven't been able to play any single player game in arma 3 .It juast keeps coming up with "file ace_fonts.pbo is outdated and sometimes got ace compat unsung and aegis outdated pbo s in red.ive deleted the ace 3 mod and downloaded a clean install to my arma 3 .Its got rid ot the ace medical pbo error but nothing else .Bear in mind im a novice at this but I just need some help so I can get back playing single player .ive just been ignored from other sites.thankyou