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Terry Moore

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About Terry Moore

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  1. Terry Moore

    I need a devs answer

    A good rule of thumb I use is, i always play the maps that have a handful of players. The big maps have too much of a chance of steamers and the loot is low. Does it get boring doing the same couple maps? Maybe but if I feel bored I just go on the random choice or hop on a different game. I've also noticed the smaller the map and amount of people, the more chance of pvp. Usually in the big maps I very rarely see anyone. In the smaller maps its blatantly obvious if you have teamers in the match. I've also had people message me and ask to team or invite to voice chat, I just deny. If that causes them to seek me out, good luck for them because I shoot first and ask questions later type player. Let's be really honest as well....the teamers lean on someone spamming signal detector, so when it goes off be aware of your area and the sound or colors. Most are terrible at the game and are easy to bait, but there are times you will get good teamers or overwhelmed, hopefully you recognize names and use insurance next time you see them. Are these ideal ways to stop teamers? Not really but attacking the developers isnt a good way to try and get a tricky issue resolved. If it continues to happen multiple games, I quit for the night and play something else. Honestly the way to fix it somewhat is to remove the signal locator or limit usage. But that also ruins a solo player strategy so it's really a tough decision to figure out. The way to fix it isnt to attack developers but you can make posts and let them know about how often it is and why it's an issue and they will look into it. Attacking or shitting on them makee them more likely to not care or understand what you are feeling.
  2. Terry Moore

    Teaming in solo encounters - Yet again.

    I have been playing for a bit now, I did a trial early on and didnt buy the game because I was heavy into rb6 siege. About a month or a little over it I got back into this game, dealt with the glitches and bugs. Always seen people complain about teaming and I never even dealt with it until tonight, I dont understand why people do it, is it because you are new, terrible, or just like ruining games for others? I'm being legit on that question too, I'm not salty over it, each time I took one of the group of 3 or 4 out and it got the group upset so I had a good laugh. I had insurance so it didnt really get me mad. 5 straight games now, i can now understand why people post on here about teaming so much. I dont know how others play but I've learned it's always shoot first because you encounter someone there is no reason to risk getting killed so I assume always to shoot. So these have to be pretty much premade groups. They always rush signal locator as well. I guess having a 3 or 4 v 1 isnt easy enough, which is sad in itself. The type of player that if I get outplayed or I get dropped by a nice shot I will always send a message saying GG and say nice play or something like that. If I get salty about a death due to glitch or something I just leave and dont say anything. But with this happening all night it's really annoying and I can see why some left the game or dont enjoy it as much. I'm not quitting or threatening to quit, I just hope you guys can sort this ordeal out because even though it was rare for me to encounter it seems like many others deal with it quite frequently. This game is one of the few I really have a blast playing even if I dont win, almost every game is different. But I just cant handle the fact I have to continually get 3 or 4 v 1 and someone camping the signal to let the others trap someone. Personally, I liked the trial when no signal was around, I prefer the paranoia style play and thinking through strategies out of the place I'm at if I get dropped on by another player. With 3 and 4 v 1 you may get a couple of them but you eventually get overwhelmed. Please look into the issue and figure something out because honestly this is ruining the game for a lot of players and it's starting to get irritating dealing with it now as well.