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Posts posted by Dig4tal

  1. First of all 'dedman' alot of people losing alot of guns because of crashes and you delite my topic for profanity just because I used the f word.... 


    Tell me 1 person who don't use the f word when they lose augs and adrs left and right due to crashes that don't get fixed by devs only seem to get worse each update. 


    Warning me and deleting my topic for using the f word is not fair you could have warned me and cencor the f word if it offends you so much. But more than that is not necessary. 


    The devs need to make game crashes and losing guns the main priority. 

  2. First of all this forum is very crap

    Stuck on verifying I'm not a robot for 2mins at least.... 



    On to main point of topic. 

    I play vigor since release and I'm extremely tired of all the crashes.. 

    I lose 90% of all my loadout due to crashes and 10% to players wich is normal. 


    I lost hunderds of augs vss adr hbars and all the good shit because my game on Xbox one crashes 6 out of 10 games


    Can this be fixed please? 

    Not just on my behalf but everyone's I know so many people who are quiting because the game is crap because the crashes 


    I don't care about other bugs or glitches just for **** sake fix gamecrashes


    Where is the compensation for every time I crash? 


    I craft guns sometimes 6 hour per gun sometimes 1.5 hour than I equip it and start a match and it's 70% chance i crash and lose it.... 
