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Lord Demon

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Posts posted by Lord Demon

  1. A Norwegian version of Stalingrad sounds cool.  But not sure it mixes well with the overall lore - like if a city got nuked you wouldn't be able to go in for like decades without the right equipment.  I think the whole Vigor vibe is you can suspend disbelief enough to think that post-limited nuke-apocalypse living in the more remote areas might be doable.  But game-play wise, it definitely sounds dope.

  2. One thing that might help with leveling on the battlepass will be the food challenge completing before the battlepass season ends.  For those that managed to reach the top food level, that's a lot of reward crates and a pretty good hunk of xp with the boosters.  Plus if you reinvest the gold you win in the battlepass to buy the last few levels, maybe it's possible to reach lv50 without playing all day everyday?

  3. I have no issue with battlepass being paid or free.  I do think it's an issue for Bohemia to do both and to not address it.  Kinda like when the game went from paid to free, they at least offered a compensation for those who paid. Whether it was adequate or not is a different point, but at least it was addressed.  It also seems like an unwise way to do a roll-out of a new feature.

    It seems like a legit point of discussion, I see no reason for a moderator to lock the discussion as long as the language is reasonable and discussion doesn't devolve into trolling.

    • Thanks 1