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Posts posted by Wellington007

  1. So, I already made a post about this, but I cant seem to find it or I posted it in the wrong area. Anyway. I was wondering if there was a way to create campaign like markers that display who's in charge, different icons of units and the type of division.

    This is basically what I want it to look like. I dont mind creating .sqf or .init files, I just want to know if there is ANY way of doing this without mods please.

  2. So, this may be a simple answered question, but I was wondering if you could make the map markers in Eden Editor similar to the ones in the campaign. 

    Like this. It would really be cool and add some more immersion. If anyone has any work around, mod or way to do this in the .sqm/folders let me know. It may be impossible but its worth a try.
