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  1. Going

    Season Pass Issues

    Ref Vigor I agree with you but bigger issues. I have been playing for some time now, but the changes to the game with paying for season pass is OK with the benefits, but very expensive, twice as much as PUBG for instance, also the bugs in the game are annoying, when hiding to not get shot, or lying in wait, and you get stuck inside a tree or rock or attached to the caravan etc, and cannot move is very bad as lose all your stuff, as die in the radiation. Also when the game crashes, and you lose all your guns, when you never even played the game as is frozen, also very annoying especially when paid to upgrade boxes with coin. Also the vast increase on cost of buying guns on work bench is extreme, why such a hike in cost, means having to save for even longer to get good guns. I still enjoy it but these issues need sorting please.