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Ramsen III

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Everything posted by Ramsen III

  1. Hi all. Why does this switch code not work (No error just no/zero result) it should result in the 25 markers. _marks = []; { _markers = _x; switch (getmarkercolor _markers) do /// Have also tried just 'markercolor _markers' and also assigning to a varible like '_colors = getmarkercolor _markers' and placing the varible in the switch. { case "colorGUER" : {_marks = _marks + [_x]}; case "colorGREY" : {_marks = _marks + [_x]}; case "colorRED" : {_marks = _marks + [_x]}; }; } foreach allmapmarkers; _nearest = [_marks, player] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; If i swap out for the multiple IF statements (which i hate doing) then this below works fine and also gives the nearest marker. // if (markercolor _markers == "colorGUER") then // { // _marks = _marks + [_x]; // }; // if (markercolor _markers == "colorGREY") then // { // _marks = _marks + [_x]; // }; // if (markercolor _markers == "colorRED") then // { // _marks = _marks + [_x]; // }; Any help welcome. Cheers.
  2. Hi. Having issues with the ModuleCAS_F - see the script below first: _pos = position player; //debug player position for test purposes player sidechat format ["Air support required at coordinates %1", _pos]; _marker = createMarker ["target", _pos]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_circle"; _marker setMarkerColor "colorORANGE"; "target" setMarkerText format ["%1", _pos]; _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _tar = _group createUnit ["ModuleCAS_F", _pos, [], 0, ""]; _tar setDir 000; _tar setVariable ["vehicle","B_Plane_Fighter_01_Cluster_F"]; _tar setVariable ["type", 3]; systemchat "script complete" // debug This script works perfectly when placed in the init.sqf directly, the markers show, the text displays and the F/A 181 turns up and drops a cluster bomb (or what ever i define in "type" variable) .... all good. HOWEVER....if i place this EXACT script in my 'support.sqf' or 'justworkffs.sqf' or whatever and then execute it from say an 'add action' or even directly from the init.sqf itself the AIRCRAFT DOES NOT TURN UP!! The script completes though and the markers and text display? Have tested this well over 15 times. The aircraft shows when executed in init.sqf but nowehere else? Baffled by this. Please help cheers.
  3. Ramsen III

    ModuleCAS_F Issue

    @Larrow Thx bro. Worked perfectly with external sqf now. But why did my previous script not work properly outside the init.sqf? Also, i kinda know what setVariable is but never used it, but why was it needed/used in this case? anyway thx again. cheers. p.s ignore previous question i looked up 'BIS_fnc_initModules_disableAutoActivation' i understand it now. cheers.
  4. Ramsen III

    Switch code with no result?

    Thx for replies. @Grumpy Old Man' cheers bro. first i wanted to eliminate the IF statements so I thought SWITCH would be better.... but of course theres always a better way! + havenot tried your script yet but will figure it out a bit latter. thx @wogz187' funnily enough i already used systemchat to do almost exactly what you said but using _count to count which colored markers it was finding.. but of course it was none! @killzone_kid' yeah grumpy mentioned that too, i did not know it was case senstive. :-/ anyway thx all. p.s Poxy captchas! just asked me to click the 'fire hydrants' and there aint any in the damn picture!?? Honestly my internet banking is easier to access than this site.