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Everything posted by Archer_MT

  1. Hey guys, Where can i change the removeal time of player dead body? I change these following times but seens not the right one corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600; wreckManagerMode = 0; wreckLimit = 2; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 240;
  2. Hey boy. I am from china too. I am also learning arma scripting. you can add my QQ:1787971393 for further comunication.
  3. I got this error in my clenit rpt , I am not sure where this errors come from, is there anyone has the some errors
  4. thanks for your help. i noticed that this error caused by the trader. This error disapeared once the trader was removed. and the trader also cause the error Ref to nonnetwork object 3c14f900# 984738: wf_barracks_east.p3d
  5. the exile_z addon can add points to player
  6. Hey Guys ,I got piles of errors in the rpt files , i have no idea where these errors come from
  7. I have no idea about these complicate problem。 There are hundreds of line object not found errors in the rpt which may kill the performance. so i search around the forum and find this possible solution
  8. a possible solution find in the forum
  9. Archer_MT

    Fulcrum Mission System (FuMS)

    I installed the fums things seens ok , the headless client can connect to the server . but it cannot spawn missions in game .
  10. Archer_MT

    Hardcore difficulty

    I have a small question why exile do not enable the scoreboard which player can see the kiil info
  11. Archer_MT

    ACE + Exile integration

    Hey, smrkanky1 I cannot wait to have a try on it. is it possible to disable the ace inventory simplely by removing the pbo file
  12. Hey Bones51, the advanced repair script is cool , but it sometimes failed to work when I use this several months ago. I repair the wheel , when the repaire action finished, the wheel remains broken. I may didnot describe the problem clearly , but there indeed exist this problem , both I and my players have came up with it .
  13. https://github.com/ReDBaroN1/Exile-Plants I used the plant addon from the above. but it can not return the item which I select it only toast me "there is no such item". I guess problem comes from the follwing part //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// the following codes cannot return the item I selected , it only toast me "there is no such item" switch _menu do { case "uniform": { _item = _uniformList lbData _index; }; case "vest": { _item = _vestList lbData _index; }; case "backpack": { _item = _backpackList lbData _index; }; }; ["InfoTitleAndText", format[" item selected IS %1!",_item]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; diag_log format["plant_test %1",_item]; if(_item isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Kein Item mit diesem Namen gefunden!"; ["InfoTitleAndText", format["%1 there is no such item!",_item]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; the whole script is here
  14. Archer_MT

    ACE + Exile integration

    https://github.com/InclementDeath/ace_exile https://github.com/ravmustang/eXpoch-ACE3forExile Hey , I occasionally find two mod as the above . The instructions said the ace can work with exile 1.0.2! If that indeed works , I think it can also work with 1.0.4 @chernaruski @El' Rabito
  15. private ["_cough"]; _cough = selectRandom RZ_HumanCoughArray; [player, _cough] remoteExecCall ["say3D"]; [[1.5, 2, 10],player] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_AddCamShake"]; The above code works fine in the editor. however when i try to put this codes in my exile server, there is nothing happened. Is there differences in editor and in MP games
  16. thanks chernaruski and El' Rabito for your help! I add the class say3d { allowedTargets=2; }; class fnc_RyanZombies_AddCamShake { allowedTargets=2; }; in the CfgRemoteExec and also change the target type. this still can not add cough to player. and i use the playsound it just works fine. And current i add [] execVM "Custom\WeatherEffects.sqf"; in the initplayerlocal to get it work , I am not sure whether it will affect the server performance or not.? or can I use this codes to get the weathereffects to work? _cold = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\WeatherEffects.sqf"; [60, _cold, [], true] call ExileClient_system_thread_addtask;
  17. this is the weather effects script made by JohnO. I just want to add cough to players when they get cold
  18. Archer_MT


    as exile is no long developed. there may be some new bugs as the arma updates. It is hard for us to develop new features to exile , but we can try to fix the bugs together to keep exile compatible with arma. As chernaruski said exile is a wonderful framework. Exile lovers keeps going on!😀
  19. Archer_MT

    ACE + Exile integration

    I am also want to integrate ACE with exile long time ago until recent i notice that the are mods ACE without medical and ACE compatibility with exile in workshop. You can have a try with these mods. And I also will try out this mods when i have time. i am not native english speaker , i am sorry for my poor english which make you puzzled.
  20. i want to spawn other units in exile ,sucj aliens and dinosaur. Can you give some instruction on how to spawn this units by exilez? Thanks in advance.
  21. Archer_MT

    Extended Survival Pack

    i have a idea about the farming script. can the farming script to be integrated into the player‘s territory. so that player can plant and harvest in their territory