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Posts posted by Couratious

  1. 13 minutes ago, Oldninja said:

    I've played this afternoon, and it doesn't slow you down that noticeably. The more you carry makes you sprint bar a little shorter. No problem if you stop sprinting before it goes red. I also believe the recovery is set to happen faster.

    It's a good addition to gameplay and adds to the realism.


    Yeah exactly.  So you spend more time walking.  This is not fun or exciting gameplay.  If anything the stamina bar should be increased.  Players want face-paced gameplay, don't care about realism. We have an invisible backpack that holds 1000 items and you can take fall damage from stepping off a 6 inch ledge.  

    You cant add in a lame mechanic and go "bUt iTs rEaLiSm" when the whole game itself is unrealistic.

    The whole point of the game is to get as much loot as possible and leave with it... Why penalize players for getting the most loot?

    This seems antithesis to the entire concept of VIGOR

  2. 14 minutes ago, Oldninja said:

    5 kills with a melee weapon is not that difficult.

    I've done it. Ok it took quite a few encounters, but it's certainly doable if you set up your attack under the right conditions. Conditions you will need to think about!

    Knife/bayonet mechanics are fine as they are, go into encounters Solo with just a knife to practice.

    Challenges are not supposed to be easy. If BI intend to give more rewards then the challenges will be harder.

    And why not.




    I'm sorry but I do not believe you.


    You would have to be up against a mentally handicapped player for you to be able to land 4 hits with a knife before they shot you dead.


    I've tried this challenge and even 1 is completely unreasonable let alone 15. 

    Not sure if you're playing against a bunch of monkeys on your platform but there is 0 chance any outlander who has any sort of knowledge how video games work would let them kill you with a knife.

  3. 1 hour ago, Civilian5902 said:


    Well, as we can see the 2 new challenges (3 airdrops for 155 crowns, 5 for 215 crowns), they maybe did some changes and gave us a way to get back that loss from the antenna. Lets check all the new challenges first to see the difference.

    The antenna nerf was too high, I'm at 4,6 per day and i wont spend all that ressources to reach the last level (6,4), its not worth it anymore. Maybe they'll change it once more and find a better balance.

    Lets list all the challenges and lets see how many times we get crowns from them. 

    It's other nerfs too though...

    None of my friends are happy with weight of your bag influencing your stamina or movement... Nobody wants to be slowed down or have gameplay slowed down.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Kuljack said:

    I have how to make this challenge manageable. Run toward enemies and swipe while sprinting to get a staggering blow that appears to deal more damage. While they are staggered run away. Stalk and repeat.



    Yeah good luck with that 

  5. On 10/6/2019 at 8:33 AM, Civilian5902 said:

    I've seen some answers from a girl from bohemian, sorry i dont remember the threads and his tag...

    But 1.1 update is coming, its the 1st answer I want. We know for the new map, for this "polaroid event", and issues fixes.


    They maybe not participate on each threads, but they dont have to. They dont have to react on every suggestions. It would be mess.

    But I guess they read all the things we post down here, and thats count. Like... The bush glitch, we can be sure they aware of this issue.

    Good feedback, and throwing some ideas, then wait.


    Maybe we'll have some answers on the future update thread. Like I see for other games. They answer some questions and thats it. It depends on how people react, speak. Just look when they post something on the xbox wall. Insults and things. 

    I dont check twitter, did you try it ? It could be a good place.

    If people are reacting like that it's probably for a reason...


    It's because they realize how cash-grabby this game is.  Just look at how much the cosmetics cost and how much the premium currency costs as opposed to other games...

    Most of the cosmetics you have to buy the $20 crown pack just to have enough to buy one cosmetic because of the way they are priced.  It's greedy and the players know it.

    Combine that with the antenna nerf and other nerfs in the patch notes and players are upset and rightfully so.


    "People are rude to us" is not a good reason or explanation for ignoring your paying customers who are literally keeping your cash cow on life-support.   The trust of gamers is not a given right to studios and developers.  It is earned.


    This studio has done nothing to garner the trust of it's players.  On the contrary, they have done the opposite.

  6. This game just isn't that popular.


    Lot's of people I have convinced to play it are just turned off by how imperative it is to have crown currency to get good loot and conversely how expensive that crown currency costs. 


    With the recent nerfs to antenna and some of the other things in the most recent patch notes I think my time opening my wallet for Crowns is done until we get some real acknowledgement of important issues and some reduction in the price of crowns or the cosmetics in the store/boosters. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Xavier Deschaine said:

    The changes this update I feel are very positive, except the adjusting footstep audio based on weight I feel that removes a sense of stealth as well as the actual obligation to loot everything. Maybe try something other then that because I feel it really does contradict some elements of the game. -Xavier (random player) 

    +1 to this

    Whoever thought of this idea needs help

  8. "Team kills no longer count towards kill progression in challenges"


    So I would like a dev or literally anyone to explain how I'm supposed to complete the "Kill Outlanders with a Melee weapon" challenges now??

    I understand before was basically cheesing it but it takes FOUR hits with any melee weapon to kill anyone...


    I doubt there has ever been a legitimate knife kill in the history of this game unless the victim was unarmed or also armed with a knife.  

    Everyone else you run into is going to have a gun and is going to kill you way before you are able to kill them unless they are brain-dead.


    This challenge was literally the only way to get a gold crate because no one EVER boosts the crate enough to get it to gold in a match and there are no other ways to get crates.  


    I was really looking forward to future updates but ever since the antenna nerf and this and other BS in the patch notes I'm really regretting the money i spent on this game.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Oldninja said:

    A seemingly knowledgeable source on a popular forum, which has a dedicated vigor section, posted a comment apparently attributed to Bohemia.

    The comment indicated that challenges would provide a greater frequency of crown rewards to make up for shortfall from the antenna.

    Had I received nothing but food reward challenges lately I could have believed it.


    There seems to be a shortage of factual feedback from Bohemia, and lots of fake news regarding the attenna change.

    Shouldn't that be something that they like post on their official forums...😒

  10. Yeah the antenna nerf is like super shady.


    I honestly can't fathom why they would think something like that was a good idea.  There NEEDS to be a way to get the crowns back you spent on boosts if the game crashes or disconnects you as well...

  11. That's one of the things that baffles me the most about this game...

    The cost of their in-game currency is wayyyy above what other games are doing right now.  It's a literal price-gouge.  I would buy so many more crowns and cosmetics from the shop if they were reasonably priced... because right now they are not...

  12. On 9/29/2019 at 11:58 AM, SubjectAuthority said:

    I just keep my food.  Maybe it will be useful some day.  A close second would be the knifes.  Has anyone actually got a kill with one of those?


    When my friends and I queue in together in duos and let one kill the other with a knife for the "Kill Outlanders with a melee weapon challenge" 😂

    • Haha 1