Someone above said the antenna thing was a glitch. Bohemia announced they lowered the payout over this past weekend. I assume its real, not a glitch. I have watched my nephew play Arma 3 and DayZ on PC and they both had their share of bugs, but nothing like DayZ on my X1X. Anyway, I was called a founder because I actually paid for Vigor early this year I think. Maybe $25-30??? My founders pack was basically useless, but whatever. The only reason I was even interested in Vigor was the 3 ways to play, get supplies and don't get killed so I could upgrade my shelter, hunt and kill others and steal their stuff while getting my own materials or go for the airdrop box and just hope to haul ass out of there with new weapon plans. If YOU BI are really going to mess up the antenna system, you need to throw limited crowns into just regular loot along with maybe a plan for new weapons once a round or so. Please DO NOT SCREW THIS UP LIKE DAYZ!!!!!!!! Heres an idea, if you insure you things while out, as long as you stay alive and make it back, no crowns lost. two options that I know will not be considered because its not money back, but it might bring pissed off players back and attract new ones... My 2 cents, everyone have a great night...…...