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About Nesbitt303

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  1. Nesbitt303

    Lost crowns/guns/

    Hey ya’ll! I am in Knoxville Tennessee, USA. I have a lightning fast Cat6 direct link, and I rarely have server issues with any other platform or game. I am having the same issues as everyone else. I like the game and I want it to succeed. But I have also lost a boat load of crowns, guns, and ammo to server lag and disconnect. To say it’s infuriating is an understatement. Additionally, I am getting increasingly aggravated that the daily objectives are insanely hard, only to give you bull shit useless food. It literally serves no purpose that I can find save donation. If they don’t fix this shit quick and start issuing refunds for money I paid that there negligence lost I am going to delete it, and never look back. Clock is ticking Vigor and Bohemia, ya’ll better get on it, because thousands of people are having this issue. I know it’s a pre release beta, and it has potential, but for the love of god fix the shooting system and give us our shit back! We paid good money to support you damnit! I’m pissed!