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About Lowkeyxbl

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  1. Xbox One X -Switching between prone, crouch, and standing while shooting, frequently causes the ability to mantle, jump, crouch, and prone to bug out for the rest of the match. -Occasionally mid engagement your gun will jam showing a (-/0) where your ammo count is, switching weapons or waiting 3 seconds sometimes fixes it. -When using the firing range with your equipped weapon if you do not reload before leaving, the game will show that you used up to one mag of ammunition -Frequent disconnects right before match start after boosters, midway through games, and immediately after games while xbox live and internet connection is stable. -When firing a weapon it has the chance to empty the magazine by firing all the rounds, even after you have let go of the trigger, the only fix is to swap weapons or switch it to semi mid spray. -The hold to aim down sight is bugged and will often work as a toggle to aim down sight -Occasionally the game won’t employ ADS properly in 2 different ways, sometimes you will ADS but retain the movement speed as if you weren’t using ADS, and other times you will ADS but retain the reticle as if you weren’t aiming down the sight. -When attempting to prone, sometimes your character will jump back up into crouch or standing position even when on flat clear ground, usually occurs multiple times before being able to prone properly -There is a crack in the rocks 10 ft. south of Endless Lookout on Fiske Fabrikk, you can fall into the crack and there is no way to get out. I absolutely love this game and have invested many hours this past week, would love to see some of these things get patched out.