I upgraded my bench overnight. I woke up in the morning excited to craft the m21 rifle with a scope. So I started crafting one in the morning before I left for work so I could use it when I got home. The crafting symbol went up, and my 4800 materials were used. I then started another building upgrade, logged out and shut down my xbox. When I got home 10 hours later, my building upgrade was complete, but my new rifle was not in my inventory. Upset and confused, I crafted another, and played a couple of rounds while waiting for the 20 minute timer to finish. This time it made me the gun! I played a few rounds with it and then made a mistake and got killed by a loser camping an exit, my bad. Anyway, pissed at my mistake I crafted another scoped m21, 10 minutes later I ended up having to leave for a few hours, so the gun had not been fully crafted yet. I shut down, and returned 3 hours later only to find i had spent another 4800 materials, and had zero scoped m21's in my inventory.... 14400 materials used to craft 3 guns, and I only got 1.