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Everything posted by Zezno

  1. I've played Vigor for a few days now and there are a couple of things that I think should be added to the game, and quite frank am surprised weren't in the game at launch. - Ability to join someone else's Shelter. I'm honestly surprised this isn't in the game at launch. You have all of these upgrades to the Shelter, and only 'you' can see them. - Ability to revive teammates during a team game if they die. Dying all of a sudden, and then losing everything you loot and brought with you 'sucks', now you just have to wait and watch your teammate for however long. Giving the ability to use a "Revive Item" (Defibrillator I would assume) would give you that chance to get your stuff back and put you back in the game. -Slightly more increased movement speed when hip-firing. I feel like hip-firing in this game is somewhat pointless, you move at the same speed as ADS. So, whats the point in hip-firing if your accuracy is worse and you move at the same speed while ADS. The increased speed would give you more mobility while having less accuracy, to give balance. - Add Throwable equipment. Smoke Grenades, Gas Grenades, Frag Grenades, Proximity Mines, Caltrops, Tripwires, etc. General throwables in most shooters, to give an option to combat scenarios. (Edit): - Add the name of the currently equipped weapon near the ammo display. Once again this seems like something that should be in the base game at launch. This will help people know what is currently equipped so they don't confuse there weapons. ex. All three Pistols have 8 round magazine, if I swapped to different weapon I wouldn't know what it is right away, I would then have to wait for your character to pull out the weapon to see it, which could be life or death in some cases. Ya know. These are just some of some ideas I think would help improve Vigor. ☺️