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Everything posted by Firebox360

  1. Firebox360

    Recoil inconsistent

    Just use the Soumi, best gun in the game. Crouch, hold down slightly, outgun everyone until the server makes your bullets stop working 😉
  2. There is absolutely no reason to need to craft meds outside of when you first start, and those beginner meds take a few seconds to craft. Why is an upgrade that is EXPENSIVE only letting you craft CONSUMABLES faster? I will never have to craft meds in this game again, unless they add a new med item. Simple fix? Make that upgrade craft weapons faster as well, waiting 6+ hours for one weapon with no way to improve it is ridiculous. For those of you wondering, my med stash is currently 600 items, 300 being anti-biotics because they are so plentiful. Don't craft that stuff, waste of resources.
  3. Firebox360

    Hit Detection

    Just had a fight I recorded where I put about 60 bullets into someone from 4 feet away and nothing registered with all my guns I tried using. Worst thing I have seen since I started playing.
  4. Firebox360

    Anti-biotics bug

    Antibiotics only heal the first time you use it during a match. They have no effect afterwards. Pretty big bug I havent seen mentioned yet.
  5. 1. Guns shooting after you stop holding the fire button 2. Automatic weapons stop dealing damage randomly while holding the fire button which can easily get you killed 3. There is a SERIOUS bug with bushes but I won't put that here in fear of it being abused 4. If you open a few crates at once, sometimes the crate items change without giving you everything. For example, you could lose a blueprint because the game crashes and thinks you got it when it just reset itself.
  6. Firebox360

    Insurance Needs To Go!

    Insurance is fine. It is a complete waste no matter how many crowns it costs. Who cares if you lose your gear? End game you will have so many guns and the ability to craft ammo you will realize why it doesnt matter. For example, I have 100 P90's alongside my other guns all of which are 100% free to play. Let those people waste their money, that is their choice.