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About Airforce987

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  1. Airforce987

    Grontheim Parkour

    Just downloaded Vigor on Xbox today and have been having a lot of fun so far! Having said that, one of my early encounter matches had me playing on Grontheim, in which I managed to get a few kills and a backpack full of loot. I hear the warning for radiation and decide to get out. So I take a look at the map for the nearest exit and see theres one pretty close to me, and I head for it. It's some ladders up a cliff, no big deal! I'll be totally exposed to anyone heading this way too, but I don't really have any other options because there aren't any alternative exits nearby. I get up to the top and see theres a bit of the bridge missing. Ok, so parkour it is. Get a running start and make it over. I'm in the clear! Nope. Theres a second jump. Alright, you made the first one, now just do it again, right? WRONG. I clip the rockface and fall down to the bottom, taking a big chunk of my health with it. Dammit. Ok let's try that again. Repeat process. Fail on same jump again. Ow, cannot mess up this time. Repeat. Fail for a third time and die, lose all my loot. The hitbox on the 2nd jump is too damn wide. Anyone else have issues with that spot or is it just me being a noob/scrub?