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Connor Crawford

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About Connor Crawford

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  1. Connor Crawford

    Having Proper Vigor Etiquette

    So hey everyone. I just wanted to say something. Vigor is a game where you must CHOOSE your encounters. I think, as a community, we should leave unarmed players alone. Think about it, unarmed players are trying to get loot and avoid other players. If you killed them they weren't doing anything but minding their own business. There's plenty of loot for everyone! No need to be mean to unarmed players who just want to play for fun. Let's just be nice to the casuals who dont want to fight and just want to play yeah? Do y'all agree?
  2. This is incredibly infuriating. I have died and lost all of my top tier loot that I had to painstakingly grind (and fricken buy crowns for because the "free" crate is garbage) because of one simple thing. I CAN'T SHOOT OUT OF BUILDINGS ANYMORE!! And this isn't just me either. I can shoot normally and bullets leave my gun normally when out in the open, but as soon as I'm in a building (happens most commonly on the barrier house) my gun simply doesn't work anymore. I shoot the bullets and the seem to collide with the VERY OBVIOUSLY OPEN door or window. When its uploaded I will post a comment of multiple clips I have of the guns simply failing to work. Listen Bohemia. You're an awesome dev company. And this game has great potential. But your lack of communication and lack of player support is getting ridiculous. Honestly, I think you owe ALL of your players a BIG apology for making a great game and simply failing to properly develop it. You need to stop listening to reviewers and other kinds of press people and start paying attention to the people (like myself) who have been playing DAILY since Day 1. I paid good money for a game that half the time doesn't even work. I know it's in early access. So I try to be understanding and supportive. But I've spent a hundred of my hard earned dollars on this games currency and I'm pretty upset that I borderline HAVE to spend it in order to make any progress. Bohemia, I know you're proud and you don't want to take the criticism. It's pretty obvious that you don't care about the criticism by your complete and total lack of communication with your community. This is a very wobbly bridge you're driving on Bohemia. If you don't start listening to your PLAYERS instead of the press, those players, are gonna stop playing. Ever think that MAYBE it's a better idea to just... you know... FIX THE GAME INSTEAD OF MAKING IT FREE TO GOD-DAMN PLAY???!!!! Wanna drive up player counts? Fix the game so that it's fun 100% of the time instead of only fun like... 30% of the time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on the game at all. I do very much enjoy it. I'm more just trying to advocate a point that everyone else is also screaming at you Bohemia. I know you read these posts and just don't respond. I strongly suggest that you change that. It takes ten seconds to write a reply of "I will pass this along to the developers" like honestly. How will we EVER know that you pay attention and care about this game, if you never actually take bug reports seriously? I mean you've got your entire community in tears. Smarten up Bohemia. Smarten up. You're better than this.