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About TOTTO1975

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  1. TOTTO1975

    Help with scripting.

    Greetings @MAFF. Thanks for the reply. Now, I replaced the InitPlayerLocal.sqf with your content, and now nobody seems to have the support options at all. Seems like you are close maybe, but just missing something perhaps. Darn it ! Again, thanks for the help, much appreciated.
  2. Greetings. Yes, here is ANOTHER fresh one in need of some small scripting help. Like so many others, I find it hard to comprehend much of the scripting process. Quite clueless. I`ve just downloaded mission files for treendys random generated missions 2 (TRGM2), from Steam workshop, and trying to massage some in the editor. In most ways a spot on excellent mission generator, for our small group on lan. Creds to treendy for that one. My small issues; In the missions, there is support options, like arty, supply, and cas. This is available for all squad leaders, and commander. Now, my wishful thinking is, to change this options to be synced and available for ONLY the commander. Which means everybody from squads to units will need to call this in, via tfar radio to commander/crossroads. While in the editor, nobody is "physically" linked to support requester, so guessing it`s allready synced in initplayerlocal.sqf ? Correct me if I`m wrong. Can this be done at all ? Commander I want to be synced and in charge of the goodies. Variable name: "sl" Class name: B_officer_F Initplayerlocal: #include "..\..\setUnitGlobalVars.sqf"; _actChooseMission = -1; if (isNil "bAndSoItBegins") then { bAndSoItBegins = false; publicVariable "bAndSoItBegins"; }; if (isNil "CustomObjectsSet") then { CustomObjectsSet = false; publicVariable "CustomObjectsSet"; }; if (isNil "IntroMusic") then { IntroMusic = selectRandom ThemeAndIntroMusic; publicVariable "IntroMusic"; }; if (isNil "FinalMissionStarted") then { FinalMissionStarted = false; publicVariable "FinalMissionStarted"; }; CODEINPUT = []; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; sleep 4; TREND_fnc_MissionSelectLoop = { sleep 3; if (!bAndSoItBegins) then {playMusic IntroMusic;}; while {!bAndSoItBegins} do { if (str player == "sl") then { if (!dialog) then { //[] spawn { sleep 1.5; if (!dialog && !bAndSoItBegins) then { //seemed to show dialog twice... so havce added delay and double check its still not showing [] execVM "RandFramework\GUI\openDialogMissionSelection.sqf"; //_actChooseMission = endMissionBoard addaction ["Select Mission Params", "RandFramework\GUI\openDialogMissionSelection.sqf"]; }; //}; }; sleep 0.5; } else { if (isNil "sl") then { txt5Layer = "txt5" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = "<t font ='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' align = 'center' size='0.8' color='#Ffffff'>" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_TopSlotMustFilled" + "</t>"; [_texta, -0, 0.150, 7, 1,0,txt5Layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; } else { if (!isPlayer sl) then { txt5Layer = "txt5" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = "<t font ='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' align = 'center' size='0.8' color='#Ffffff'>" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_TopSlotMustPlayer" + "</t>"; [_texta, -0, 0.150, 7, 1,0,txt5Layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; } else { txt1Layer = "txt1" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = "<t font ='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' align = 'center' size='0.5' color='#ffffff'>" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_PleaseWait1" + name sl + " " + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_PleaseWait2" + "</t>"; [_texta, 0, 0.220, 7, 1,0,txt1Layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; txt5Layer = "txt5" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = "<t font ='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' align = 'center' size='0.8' color='#Ffffff'>TRGM 2</t>"; [_texta, -0, 0.150, 7, 1,0,txt5Layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; txt51Layer = "txt51" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _texta = "<t font ='EtelkaMonospaceProBold' align = 'center' size='0.5' color='#ffffff'>" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_CantHearMusic" + "</t>"; [_texta, 0, 0.280, 7, 1,0,txt51Layer] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; }; }; sleep 5; }; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_MissionSelectLoop; TREND_fnc_BasicInitAndRespawn = { if (isMultiplayer) then { execVM "RandFramework\NoVoice.sqf"; }; iAllowGPS = ("OUT_par_AllowGPS" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue); if (iAllowGPS == 0) then { showGPS false; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_BasicInitAndRespawn; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_BasicInitAndRespawn; }]; waitUntil {bAndSoItBegins && CustomObjectsSet}; endMissionBoard removeAction _actChooseMission; [player] execVM "RandFramework\setLoadout.sqf"; _isAceRespawnWithGear = false; if ([] call TRGM_fnc_isCbaLoaded) then { // check for ACE respawn with gear setting _isAceRespawnWithGear = "ace_respawn_savePreDeathGear" call CBA_settings_fnc_get; }; if (!isNil("_isAceRespawnWithGear")) then { if (!_isAceRespawnWithGear) then { player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [player] execVM "RandFramework\setLoadout.sqf"; }]; }; }; 5 fadeMusic 0; [] spawn { sleep 5; ace_hearing_disableVolumeUpdate = false; playMusic ""; }; if (isNil "KilledPlayers") then { KilledPlayers = []; publicVariable "KilledPlayers"; }; if (isNil "KilledPositions") then { KilledPositions = []; publicVariable "KilledPositions"; }; _iEnableGroupManagement = AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_GROUP_MANAGE_IDX; if (_iEnableGroupManagement == 1) then { ["InitializePlayer", [player]] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups;//Exec on client }; if (bUseRevive) then { // TcB AIS Wounding System -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //if (!isDedicated) then { // TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; // {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit //}; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; TREND_fnc_InitPostStarted = { if (side player == civilian) then { [] execvm "RandFramework\InitCameraMan.sqf"; }; if (iMissionSetup == 5 && isMultiplayer && str player == "sl") then { if (SaveType == 0) then { laptop1 addaction [localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_SaveLocal",{[1,true] execVM "RandFramework\Campaign\ServerSave.sqf";}]; laptop1 addaction [localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_SaveGlobal",{[2,true] execVM "RandFramework\Campaign\ServerSave.sqf";}]; }; if (SaveType == 1) then { hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_Save1"); laptop1 addAction [localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_SaveLocal",{hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_SaveHint")}]; }; if (SaveType == 2) then { hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_Save2"); laptop1 addAction [localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_SaveGlobal",{hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_ServerSave_SaveHint2")}]; }; }; if (iAllowNVG == 2) then { [] execVM "RandFramework\NVscript.sqf"; }; endMissionBoard addaction [localize "STR_TRGM2_SetMissionBoardOptions_ShowRepLong", {_justPlayers = allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F";_iPlayerCount = count _justPlayers;_iPointsToAdd = 3 / ((_iPlayerCount / 3) * 1.8);_iPointsToAdd = [_iPointsToAdd,1] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals;hint parseText format[localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_FullReputationReport",_iPointsToAdd,BadPoints, MaxBadPoints, MaxBadPoints - BadPoints, BadPointsReason]}]; _iSandStormOption = AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_SANDSTORM_IDX; if (_iSandStormOption == 3) then { //5 hours non stop nul = [18030,false] execvm "RandFramework\RikoSandStorm\ROSSandstorm.sqf"; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_InitPostStarted; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_InitPostStarted; }]; if (AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_VIRTUAL_ARSENAL_IDX == 1) then { box1 addAction [localize "STR_TRGM2_startInfMission_VirtualArsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; }; bCirclesOfDeath = false; iCirclesOfDeath = 0; //("TREND_par_CirclesOfDeath" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue); if (iCirclesOfDeath == 1) then { bCirclesOfDeath = true; }; iMissionSetup = iMissionParamType; if (iMissionSetup == 12 || iMissionSetup == 20) then { //training [player, 100] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then { myaction = ['TraceBulletAction',localize 'STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_TraceBullets','',{},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], myaction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; myaction = ['TraceBulletEnable',localize 'STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_Enable','',{[player, 5] spawn BIS_fnc_traceBullets;},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions", "TraceBulletAction"], myaction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; myaction = ['TraceBulletDisable',localize 'STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_Disable','',{[player, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_traceBullets;},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [player, 1, ["ACE_SelfActions", "TraceBulletAction"], myaction] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; }; } else { _iTicketCount = AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_RESPAWN_TICKET_COUNT_IDX; [player, _iTicketCount] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _iRespawnTimer = AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_RESPAWN_TIMER_IDX; setPlayerRespawnTime _iRespawnTimer; //if (iMissionSetup == 5 && !isMultiplayer) then { // [player, 999] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; // debugMessages = debugMessages + "\n" + "999 respawn tickets" //} //else { // [player, 1] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; //}; }; TREND_fnc_GetAnimalsMoving = { [] execVM "RandFramework\animateAnimals.sqf"; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_GetAnimalsMoving; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_GetAnimalsMoving; }]; //[player, supReq] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; TREND_fnc_GeneralPlayerLoop = { while {true} do { if (side player != civilian) then { if (count ObjectivePossitions > 0 && AllowUAVLocateHelp) then { if ((Player distance (ObjectivePossitions select 0)) < 25) then { if ((Player getVariable ["calUAVActionID", -1]) == -1) then { hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_UAVAvailable"); _actionID = player addAction [localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_CallUAV","RandFramework\callUAVFindObjective.sqf"]; player setVariable ["calUAVActionID",_actionID]; }; }; //else { // if ((Player getVariable ["calUAVActionID", -1]) != -1) then { // player removeAction (Player getVariable ["calUAVActionID", -1]); // player setVariable ["calUAVActionID", nil]; // hint "UAV no longer available"; // }; //}; }; if (leader (group (vehicle player)) == player && AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_SUPPORT_OPTION_IDX == 1 ) then { if (iMissionSetup == 5) then { if (isNil "CampaignInitiated") then { CampaignInitiated = false; publicVariable "CampaignInitiated"; }; if (CampaignInitiated) then { _dCurrentRep = [MaxBadPoints - BadPoints,1] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals; //TESTTEST = format["A:%1 - B:%2 - C:%3",MaxBadPoints,BadPoints,_dCurrentRep]; //hint TESTTEST; if (_dCurrentRep >= 1) then { //hint "hmm2"; [player, supReqSupply] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; }; if (_dCurrentRep >= 3) then { //hint "hmm2"; [player, supReq] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; }; if (_dCurrentRep >= 7) then { //hint "hmm3"; [player, supReqAir] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; }; }; } else { [player, supReqSupply] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; [player, supReq] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; [player, supReqAir] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; sleep 1; } }; }; sleep 10; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_GeneralPlayerLoop; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_GeneralPlayerLoop; }]; TREND_fnc_OnlyAllowDirectMapDraw = { while {isMultiplayer && (AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_MAP_DRAW_DIRECT_ONLY_IDX == 1)} do { { //WaitUntil {count allMapMarkers > 0}; _sTest = _x splitString "/"; if (count _sTest > 2) then { if (str(_sTest select 2) != str("5")) then { deleteMarker _x; }; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_OnlyAllowDirectMapDraw; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_OnlyAllowDirectMapDraw; }]; TREND_fnc_InSafeZone = { if (isNil "PlayersHaveLeftStartingArea") then { PlayersHaveLeftStartingArea = false; publicVariable "PlayersHaveLeftStartingArea"; }; while {true} do { if (getMarkerPos "mrkHQ" distance player < PunishmentRadius) then { //if (!bDebugMode) then { player allowDamage false}; } else { //if (!bDebugMode) then { player allowDamage true;}; PlayersHaveLeftStartingArea = true; publicVariable "PlayersHaveLeftStartingArea"; }; sleep 1; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_InSafeZone; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_InSafeZone; }]; TREND_fnc_setNVG = { if (iAllowNVG == 0) then { player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; player enableGunLights "forceOn"; player unassignItem sFriendlyNVClassName; player removeItem sFriendlyNVClassName; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_setNVG; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_setNVG; }]; if (bCirclesOfDeath) then { TREND_fnc_checkKilledRange = { //loop here, sleep 5 (doesnt need to be too fast looping!!) while {true} do { if (getPlayerUID player in KilledPlayers && (vehicle player == player) && alive(player)) then { { if (getPlayerUID player == _x select 0) then { //_forEachIndex if (player distance (_x select 1) < KilledZoneRadius) then { hint (localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_WarningArea"); if (player distance (_x select 1) < KilledZoneInnerRadius) then { cutText [localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_Transfering","BLACK FADED", 0]; sleep 1; player setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_west"); }; }; }; } forEach KilledPositions; }; sleep 5; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_checkKilledRange; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_checkKilledRange; }]; TREND_fnc_drawKilledRanges = { if (getPlayerUID player in KilledPlayers) then { { if (getPlayerUID player == KilledPlayers select _forEachIndex) then { //draw marker at KilledPositions select _forEachIndex _color = "ColorBlack"; _mrkPos = createMarkerLocal [format["mrkNoGoA%1",_forEachIndex], _x select 1]; _mrkPos setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _mrkPos setMarkerSizeLocal [KilledZoneRadius,KilledZoneRadius]; _mrkPos setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _mrkPos setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.5; _mrkPos2 = createMarkerLocal [format["mrkNoGoB%1",_forEachIndex], _x select 1]; _mrkPos2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _mrkPos2 setMarkerSizeLocal [KilledZoneInnerRadius,KilledZoneInnerRadius]; _mrkPos2 setMarkerColorLocal _color; _mrkPos2 setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.5; }; } forEach KilledPositions; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_drawKilledRanges; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_drawKilledRanges; }]; }; TOUR_fnc_startingMove = { private ["_unit","_move"]; _unit = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _move = [_this,1,"AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param; if !(isNull _unit) then { _unit switchMove _move; }; }; ////INSTANT FADE TO BLACK SCREEN cutText ["","BLACK FADED",1]; ////CREATE CAMERA private ["_cam"]; _cam = "camera" camCreate (getPosATL player); _cam cameraEffect ["External","BACK"]; ////WAIT FOR BRIEFING TO END sleep 0.1; doStop player; ////INITIATE ANIMATION OVER NETWORK [[player],"TOUR_fnc_startingMove",true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; ////WAIT A SECOND sleep 1; ////DESTROY CAMERA _cam cameraEffect ["Terminate", "BACK"]; _cam camCommit 0; waitUntil { camCommitted _cam }; camDestroy _cam; ////FADE IN FROM BLACK SCREEN cutText ["","BLACK IN",3]; //sleep 0.1; //doStop player; //waitUntil {!isNull player}; //waitUntil {player == player}; //[[player],"TOUR_fnc_startingMove",true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; if (sArmaGroup == "TCF" && isMultiplayer) then { //_handle=createdialog "DialogMessAround"; //titleText ["!!!WARNING!!!\n\nPoint system in place\n\nDO NOT mess around at base\n\nONLY fly if you know AFM, or are being trained.\n\nDestroying vehicles will mark points and ruin the experience for others!!!", "PLAIN"]; }; TREND_fnc_MissionOverAnimation = { sleep 60; _bEnd = false; while {!_bEnd} do { _bMissionEndedAndPlayersOutOfAO = false; _bMissionEnded = false; _bAnyPlayersInAOAndAlive = false; if (iMissionSetup == 5) then { _dCurrentRep = [MaxBadPoints - BadPoints,1] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals; if (ActiveTasks call FHQ_TT_areTasksCompleted && _dCurrentRep >= 10 && FinalMissionStarted) then {_bMissionEnded = true}; } else { if (ActiveTasks call FHQ_TT_areTasksCompleted) then {_bMissionEnded = true}; }; _justPlayers = allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F"; { _currentPlayer = _x; { if (alive(_currentPlayer) && _currentPlayer distance _x < 2000) then { _bAnyPlayersInAOAndAlive = true; }; } forEach ObjectivePossitions; } forEach _justPlayers; if (_bMissionEnded && !_bAnyPlayersInAOAndAlive) then {_bMissionEndedAndPlayersOutOfAO = true}; if (_bMissionEndedAndPlayersOutOfAO) then { _bEnd = true; ace_hearing_disableVolumeUpdate = true; 2 fadeSound 0.1; playMusic ""; 0 fadeMusic 1; playMusic selectRandom ThemeAndIntroMusic; sleep 8; ["<t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='2.9' color='#ffffff'>TRGM 2</t><br/><t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='1' color='#ffffff'>" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_TRGM2Title" + "</t>",-1,0.2,6,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; ["<t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='2.9' color='#ffffff'>" + (AdvancedSettings select ADVSET_GROUP_NAME_IDX) + "</t><br/><t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='1' color='#ffffff'><br />" + localize "STR_TRGM2_TRGMInitPlayerLocal_RTBDebreif" + "</t>",-1,0.2,6,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; _stars = ""; _iCount = 0; { _iCount = _iCount + 1; if (_iCount == count allPlayers) then { _stars = _stars + name _x; // format [_stars,name _x, "|%2"]; } else { _stars = _stars + name _x + " | "; // format [_stars,name _x, "|%2"]; }; } forEach allPlayers; [format ["<t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='2.9' color='#ffffff'>Starring</t><br/><t font='PuristaMedium' align='center' size='1' color='#ffffff'><br />%1</t>",_stars],-1,0.2,6,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; 8 fadeMusic 0; 8 fadeSound 1; [] spawn { sleep 8; ace_hearing_disableVolumeUpdate = false; playMusic ""; }; }; sleep 5; }; }; [] spawn TREND_fnc_MissionOverAnimation; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [] spawn TREND_fnc_MissionOverAnimation; }];