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Everything posted by delpoi

  1. I've raised it before the amount it costs for crowns to the amount you get is wrong cause the cosmetics are to expensive for one bit one outfit which is much I know it's just really started and am grateful for the latest update the aim is better but please fix the economy
  2. Thanks I'll check it out ✌️
  3. I know I'm probably gonna get the obvious replies "it's free to play" "crowns being inexpensive will ruin the game cause of insurance" "don't be a cheapskate" now that's covered cause I won't reply to any of those things and ignore them anyway we need to talk about the ingame economy, the crowns are oddly stacked in amount and cost far to much the whole in game economy needs an overhaul cause people who are casual players won't pay it; before you all jump down my throat saying the games not for casuals sorry to say it but the game is for everyone and if its to be a success it needs to appeal to hardcore and casual players. At the moment to buy just a jacket one item of clothing it's 850 crowns for perspective there is an amount you can buy of crowns that gets you like 650 for £16 odd not enough even to buy a jacket, you need to look at other free to play models everyone will hate the comparison but it's not the game it's the economy fortnite 2000+800 V coins £19.99 you can buy the season pass and earn cosmetics as well as other things and have enough left to buy an outfit; that's just me comparing the monetary value not the game end of the day I'm invested in the game but the crowns don't make sense 4000 crowns at a cost of £80+ is a joke to get 4000 V coins it's like half of that please sort this. I want the game to be successful but if you charge the prices you are now I can't see that happening and no disrespect to the game or devs I've been on board since day one I want to see this game grow.