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About Jem777

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. AirShark, now i know why you are a Sergeant and im a Private, i disabled Alive and it all worked fine. Then I deleted the @Alive folder and copied a fresh version into the Arma 3 folder. Now, it looks like the problem is fixed. I played it for about 5 mins but im pretty sure its fixed, ill give it a go again tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
  2. I havent disabled Alive but it is worth trying, i will give that a go. The view distance is whatever the default is. Ill find where it is and maybe change it so its closer. The dynamic view distance isn’t disabled. Ill try Alive after lunch and check the dynamic view distance. and yes while aiming. As soon as i click the mouse button to zoom in the frames drop to like 1-2 frames a sec.
  3. Im not sure what you mean by sound sources? Is that a setting in Arma 3 or Ace3? And 48000 in windows do you mean? If so I haven’t changed any of the default sound settings in Windows or in Arma. im using Alive and CBA. They are the only mods.
  4. I have 16gb of ram! Was your problem the same thing? And if you disabled Ace3 there was no drop in framerate?
  5. With Advanced Ballistics, it makes no difference if it’s enabled or disabled its the same. as for the settings, the Ace3 settings are the default settings. In Arma i have reduced some of the graphic settings from ultra to high thinking the problem was with arma. Ace3 has been enabled since day one. I thought the issue was my pc not being able to run arma so I stopped playing arma for quite a while. A few days ago i fired it up again. Of course the issue was still there. I decided to research it online. I found a post where someone says that Ace3 was the problem but he did not have a solution for it. I disabled Ace3 and Arma run like its never run before, smooth as. Its definitely Ace3 but i dont know where the problem is.
  6. Hi All has anyone had this issue with ACE3? With the mod enabled, while aiming or shooting, the framerate drops to a level where Arma 3 is unplayable. With the mod disabled, Arma 3 runs fine. ive played with a few of the options mainly in the Weapons page but has not made any difference. has anyone else had this issue? Is there a fix for it? thanks
  7. Hi Guys Just after some help. I'm trying some mission making using the Alive mod. I'm following this Youtube video For some reason, which I cannot work out, the opfor AI is not spawning. Below is a link where the mission file which I'm working on can be downloaded. can someone please let me know what I've done wrong? Thanks https://www.dropbox.com/s/iuidob2mq06escg/Alive%20Basics.Stratis.zip?dl=0
  8. Jem777

    Spawn AI

    at least there are known workarounds, ill check out VS code. never heard of it. i was thinking visual studio just googled it.
  9. Jem777

    Class attributes

    Thanks for the links, the syntax is very much like C. thanks again
  10. Jem777

    Class attributes

    Thanks for the link, i have seen that but its not arranged per object eg soldier, trucks ect ect. You need to go through each one if you dont know what your looking for like me.
  11. G’Day All can someone tell if and where i can find attributes for each class, my terminology may be wrong. What im looking for is an equivalent to C/C++ Struct or classes, ill explain further. A soldier can have setcaptive, “salute”, “killed” and im sure may other attributes. Is the a list for each class? Im getting into scripting and i thought it may be a good way test out the attributes/commands to see how they work. Thanks
  12. Jem777

    Spawn AI

    Thanks for the link, ill grab a copy.
  13. Jem777

    Spawn AI

    Is there a sure fire way of getting scripts to work with copy and paste? Will arma edit or any of the other programs show unwanted characters or highlight any errors? Something like Word would be good where you can turn on hidden format characters.
  14. Jem777

    Spawn AI

    wogz187 i retyped the last line like you suggested and it still didn't work so I've just downloaded your repack and ill try it in the morning, thanks
  15. Jem777

    Spawn AI

    very stange, thanks so much for your help ill try it out hopefully later today. thanks again.