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Everything posted by Afgan0r

  1. Hi, I'm looking for command or maybe script (if it exists) which can help to get and set items in the crate. I know about WeaponCargo, MagazineCargo and etc, but it's hard to use because get command return array with all items, but set command can only be used with 1 item so I need to use foreach or something like this. Which command (script) I must use or how can I do this not using foreach?
  2. Thanks, that's exactly what I need
  3. Hi, i want to if player killed another player of his side, he got a screamer. I use onPlayerKilled.sqf, here a code. _killed = _this select 1; _killer = _this select 2; try { if (!(_killed isEqualTo _killer) && (side _killed == side _killer) && (isPlayer(_killer))) then { _rnd_number = round(random 6); if (_rnd_number==0) then { _rnd_number = 1; }; playSound format["screamer_sound%1",_rnd_number]; 1200 cutRsc [format["Screamer%1",_rnd_number],"BLACK",4]; sleep 4; 1200 cutFadeOut 0; }; } catch { if (["undefined variable", _exception, false] call BIS_fnc_inString) then { }; }; So problem is how to play sound and show screamer for killer player?
  4. Afgan0r

    Screamer on kill

    I tried this solution and got an error in onPlayerKilled.sqf here: _killer setVariable ["tkill","true"]; Error is: Error setvariable: Type Number, expected Namespace,Object,Group,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location.
  5. Afgan0r

    Screamer on kill

    Because exception says that type is number, but expected string or something like this
  6. Afgan0r

    Screamer on kill

    I use this for situation when you kill yourself with respawn or grenade or something else. In this situation _killer is not defined so i get exception and i can't check it with isNil because variable have number type and isNil don't work with numbers (isNull don't work too).
  7. Hi, I want that unit standing in offroad and can shoot ahead. How can i do this?