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Everything posted by Cazzin

  1. 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) The 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne) known also as the 3rd Group is an American Special Operations Unit within the ARMA3 Community. We play with an emphasis on realism and brotherhood. At the 3rd Special Forces Group we focus on playing in a realistic setting by completing missions Green berets would participate in in real life. In large part we focus on Unconventional Warfare and Internal defense such as Special Reconnaissance, Direct action raids, and counter terrorism. We expect all members to get along with and enjoy playing operations with each other. In the grand scheme ARMA is a video game and we understand that; we wish to bring you an enjoyable and realistic setting. Training Pipeline Upon joining the 3rd Special Forces Group members are required to attend and successfully complete the SF Advanced Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Course (SFARTAETC). SFARTAETC aims to teach a member completely new to ARMA the proper techniques and tactics to successfully operate in an ODA. SFQC is broken down into four phases each completed on a different day. These phases have a maximum running time of two hours however; the run time is estimated to be about an hour with an experienced member. Furthermore, initial MOS training is included into SFQC. Upon completion members will be assigned to a Team with the respective role they have chosen. ODA Crisis Response Force Organization and Roles Within the 3rd Group we emulate the roles that compose a Crisis Response Force(CRF) Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA). A CRF ODA is comprised of One officer and 11 enlisted personnel. Within this ODA is a Headquarters section housing the Detachment Commander (18A) a Captain and his Team Chief a Master Sergeant (18Z). Also in the ODA are two Teams. The first being an Assault Team lead by a Team leader and his Assistant. This team has an additional four assaulters assigned to it who are crossed trained in at least two specialities allowing the team to encompass a wide range of missions however, mainly focusing on direct action raids. The second team; A Reconnaissance team is lead by a Team leader and is comprised of a sniper and his spotter along with an additional assaulter to provide security for the team. This team mainly focuses on providing support for the Assault Team and intelligence gathering. 18A – Special Forces Officer 180A – Special Forces Warrant Officer 18Z – Special Forces Operations Sergeant 18F – Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant 18B – Special Forces Weapons Sergeant 18C – Special Forces Engineer Sergeant 18D – Special Forces Medical Sergeant 18E – Special Forces Communications Sergeant Deployment Cycles Operations are broken up into two main groups. Deployments and Field Training Exercises (FTX). The Deployment Cycle is switched upon the successful Completion or failure of a Deployment; or when Leadership feels the ODA teams are ready end an FTX Cycle and begin a Deployment.. Deployments are storyline driven Operations that follow a continuous storyline from beginning to end. Each Deployment is created by the S-3 Operation team and includes several key objectives that are based off what ODAs would do in real life to disrupt or destabilize an enemy force. Deployments also include certain things that could possibly hinder or fail a Deployment. Field Training Exercises are based on a loosely put together storyline that focuses on input from leadership and the teams on what they feel they need to practice on. While these are still made by the S-3 Operation team; the ODA teams themselves have a huge input on what they want to practice on. Requirements - Be at least 17 years or older (Age waiver possible) - Write and Speak English at proficient level - Own ArmA III and and have ability to download mods - Not be a member of any realism/milsim unit - Attend operations every Sunday @ 19:00 EST How to Join Add the 3rdSFG Steam Profile as a friend - https://steamcommunity.com/id/3rdSFG Join Our Teamspeak - thirdsfg.ts.nfoservers.com (Password - 3sfg) Register on our website - https://www.3rdsfg.net/ Additional Questions, feel free to reply.