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About CuddleTank001

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    Private First Class

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  1. CuddleTank001

    Globally executing actions

    well the thing is, this heli well be respawning all the time, so how can i make it respawn with the same init every time? EDIT: and it also gives me an error stating "invalid number in expression"
  2. CuddleTank001

    Globally executing actions

    so should i just throw that in my "OnPlayerRespawn.sqf"? or do I have to plant it in the heli's init?
  3. CuddleTank001

    Globally executing actions

    does your script not execute or is the action missing for copilot? deliver infos please and don't let us ask everything... aslo what is this or better what should it be? when i activate the action the ENG turns red for me and stops spinning, but nothing happens at the pilot's screen, so basically the script works for me, but not the pilot. I am the co pilot, and as when i globally execute the script from the debug console, it works for both me and him. This is make the command exclusive to the co-pilot.
  4. I know that it's been asked a lot of times, and i personally viewed a lot of topics but i still can't seem to understand it. im making a heli pilot training mission, with a lot of actions that can be triggered from the co-pilot seat, but when i trigger them, they only happen for me and not the pilot, but when i type the script in the debug console, and globally execute it, it works for both of us. Player addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>ENG</t>",{vehicle player setHitPointDamage ["hitengine", 1]},nil,0,false,true,"","_this == _Target turretunit [0]",15, false]; This is one of the scripts, the other are similar. so can i please get help?
  5. Nvm its working, it was the weapon class, im sorry for unnecessarily holding you guys.
  6. The OnPlayerRespawn is in the mission file. All the actions work perfectly but the ones restricted to the po7 (repair target, delete, destroy, spawn vehicles) the working actions are (repair, eng, rear rotor, earplugs, and soption section). The faulty actions do not show up at all, no matter what gun i have out they wont show up.
  7. Because when i add the same action via the debug console it works perfectly
  8. I don’t understand, is the problem in the addaction itself, or the foption section as a whole?
  9. update: when i add it via the debug console it works, but when its added by the first add action it doesn't
  10. its in an on player respawn, and i got respawn on start on
  11. oh it may not be compatible with my whole script, so this is my script, it may look noobish but just bare with me. removeallactions player; start = { removeallactions player; player addAction ["<t color='#0000FF'>Begin</t>", foption]; }; foption = { removeallactions player; Player addAction ["<t color='#0000FF'>Spawn Vehicles</t>", soption ,[],-1,false,true,"",'currentWeapon player == "hgun_P07_snds_F"']; Player addAction ["<t color='#FF00FF'>Repair</t>",{vehicle player setDamage 0; vehicle player setFuel 1; vehicle player setVehicleAmmo 1;},nil,0,false,true,"","_this == _Target turretunit [0]",15, false]; Player addAction ["<t color='#FF00FF'>Repair Target</t>",{cursorTarget setDamage 0;cursorTarget setFuel 0;cursorTarget setVehicleAmmo 0;},[],-1,false,true,"",'currentWeapon player == "hgun_P07_snds_F"']; Player addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>ENG</t>",{vehicle player setHitPointDamage ["hitengine", 1]},nil,0,false,true,"","_this == _Target turretunit [0]",15, false]; Player addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Rear Rotor</t>",{vehicle player setHitPointDamage ["hitvrotor", 1]},nil,0,false,true,"","_this == _Target turretunit [0]",15, false]; player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>DESTROY</t>", {cursorTarget setDamage 1;},[],-1,false,true,"",'currentWeapon player == "hgun_P07_snds_F"']; player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>DELETE</t>", {deleteVehicle cursorTarget;},[],-1,false,true,"",'currentWeapon player == "hgun_P07_snds_F"']; player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Remove Earplugs</t>" , {1 fadeSound 1},0,1,false,false,"","(soundVolume < 1)"]; player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Put Earplugs On</t>" , {1 fadeSound 0.15},0,1,false,false,"","(soundVolume == 1)"]; }; soption = { removeallactions player; player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Pawnee</t>", {"B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Humming Bird", {"B_Heli_Light_01_stripped_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Hellcat", {"I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Orca", {"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Taru", {"O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Armed Hellcat", {"I_Heli_light_03_dynamicLoadout_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Huron", {"B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Blackfish", {"B_T_VTOL_01_infantry_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["Darter", {"B_UAV_01_F" createVehicle position player;}]; player addAction ["<t color='#0000FF'>Back</t>", foption]; }; call start;
  12. actually hold on, i tried this script in multiplayer and it didn't work 😛
  13. so i made 8 characters, i enabled respawn on start, i enabled respawn on custom position, and i synced all the units to that marker, but when i start my mission all the units spawn in the ocean -the south-west corner of the map- so how can i force them to respawn there at starting and just respawn there whenever they die.
  14. thank you both for your condition parsing explanations, you probably saved me alot of future scripting time, and forum topics 😛 . but seriously thanks for the help, you've been the best arma scripting support dudes i've ever seen 🙂 .