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Jaden Vance

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Everything posted by Jaden Vance

  1. Hello, I am making a mission with grimes revive system in SOG CDLC, but I face a certain strange problem. If an enemy wounds me while I am reloading my weapon, the damage bypass the script and instantly kills me. How can I make myself invulnerable for, let's say 3 seconds, while reloading the weapon? Thanks. EDIT: Found out that a certain mod was causing some incompatibilities with grimes revive. Seems to be working now that I got rid of it.
  2. Hello, need a small help with this one I am making a local variable named "Cash", placing it inside initPlayerLocal.sqf and set it at "Cash=1000" so every player start with this variable set to 1000. During the mission, players buy items or get awarded with more cash, so this number changes. At the end, I want to have each player variable "Cash" display as "SystemChat" or "Hint" (possibly using an "addAction" from a laptop object), to manually write down the numbers on my notebook , then change the starting amount of each player on the second mission through the initPlayerLocal.sqf. Now, my question is: How can I use their profile Id to set up different starting "Cash" variable number for each player? for example "profileID" if 0001111222333 then cash=2000; etc?
  3. Okay, tested and works. However, I need to place the player IDs in quotation marks, like: params ["_player", "_didJIP"]; private _uid = getPlayerUID _player; if (_uid == "0000111122223333") then { JAVA_cash = 2000; } else { JAVA_cash = 1000; }; This works perfect, and thanks for your help!!!
  4. Harzach, thank you for your reply. I will test the first one right away! 😄
  5. Hello, I am looking to create this: I have a helipad with four helipad portable red lights. I will place an "addaction" to a nearby object to change these four lights to portable green lights, to signal pilots that this spot is free to land. And then, turn them again to red lights when a helicopter is parked there. The question is, how to replace these four lights? What command to use? Thanks in advance.
  6. Pierremgi, you are very good with this stuff. Thanks a lot, fits perfect for what I have in mind! Works excellent! ❤️ JCataclisma, your idea is also amazing. I will keep that technique in mind for future ideas! ❤️
  7. Hi, I am trying to make a single-player mission for 5 people, but I would like it to be available as coop mission as well. So, I want to make the 4 playable AI group members invincible while no player is in their slot (and back to normal when a player join that slot).
  8. Pierremgi That idea with the initPlayerLocal.sqf sounds good, I haven't thought of that. I will test it and probably sould be working. Thanks for your suggestion!!
  9. Hello. I am creating a 2 player scenario and I wanted to include a certain feature. I have created and attatched two triggers with 60m range, one for P1 and one for P2, and when either player is near an enemy (east), an ambient music is playing, and when either moves away, the music fades out. Problem is, when either of them is near an enemy, the music starts for both players, and ends when one moves away, even if the other is near the enemy. I have them setup like this: -Trigger for P1 (The same as P2, only the variable name changes): Activation: OPFOR (Present) Condition: this On activation: [] execVM "Scripts\P1_DangerON.sqf" On deactivation: [] execVM "Scripts\P1_DangerOFF.sqf" -In the dangerOn.sqf: 3 fadeMusic 0.3; playMusic "AmbientTrack01_F_Tank"; -In the dangerOff.sqf: 4 FadeMusic 0; But I guess since the scripts are activated from the trigger, this is made global. Can I somehow limit them to each player only? Thanks in advance. 🙂 EDIT: Forgot to mention, the mission will be run in dedicated server enviroment.
  10. Hello, I am preparing a mission with three 4-man teams, each leaded by a player Team leader, and 3 ai group members. How can I make it so, each player can customize his own group AI members arsenal? (I will be using ACE, if that help and the area to change the AI arsenal I want to be limited in a trigger area.) Any suggestions?
  11. Jaden Vance

    HandleDamage Event Handler Explained

    You mean to change this line here from your script: if ( isPlayer _unit ) then { _unit removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage'; to this: if ( !isPlayer _unit ) then { _unit removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage'; Or I get this wrong? Edit: Probably wrong because nothing happens when I try that.
  12. Jaden Vance

    HandleDamage Event Handler Explained

    Hello, just a question. Can this script be changed differently to affect only AI units, so I can for instance have different damage for players (in MP) and different for AI units?
  13. This is a very interesting script, that would help my missions a lot. It also works on myself in singleplayer, as player, which I like it, but on multiplayer, my friends get instantly killed and not dropping unconscious, were I can revive/be revived until I run out of lives, which means the script works for me, but not at all for them (Except for AI's, there it works as it should)... Is there something I can do to make it work on other players as well? Edit: Also, Im not able to revive them, although the cycle fill up and the chat which thanks me appear, the player does not stand up and remain unconscious.
  14. Is it possible to add an action from an equipable item, (In my case, a certain backpack) to appear when the item is eqquiped?
  15. What Im looking for is if there's a way to call artillery strikes when (and only when) a certain item is in inventory (example, lets say a "radio") of a player. Any ideas?
  16. I use CBA but I would love to avoid ACE3... But let me see your work, perhaps I'll change my mind and implement ACE. :-)