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Portugues Tuga

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Posts posted by Portugues Tuga

  1. 4 minutes ago, Portugues Tuga said:

    I only tried online. In the same server I had those fps and since it’s an RP server I don’t think it’s a problem from the AI. What should I do ?

    And I played several times and it keeps happening. The other players with a pc worse than mine don’t have this problem

  2. 11 minutes ago, Beagle said:

    Does the fps drop happen offline SP or online MP?


    What may happen is that a bad server fps messes ArmA III up and the low fps issue persists until a restart.

    The general experience with ArmA III is that a server slowdown will also affect clients.


    You may also try to flush VRAM in game using Shift -flush, but nothjign can sfe you if the server>client traffic slows down because server is below 20 fps due to differnt factors like too many scripts or too much active AI.

    High view distances beyond 4000m terrain and 2500m for Objects may also use up to much recources for long running missions with high activity.

    I only tried online. In the same server I had those fps and since it’s an RP server I don’t think it’s a problem from the AI. What should I do ?

  3. Hello people, since the last update I keep having problems on arma, because, first I m only able to achieve around 80 fps max.( I had a gtx1050ti before and I had more than that)with a GeForce gtx 1070 I5-7600K and 8gb of ram and Samsung ssd. But the real problem is that lately everytime I try to play arma after an hour or so in a server my arma kinda”crashes” down to around 5 fps and then comes back and then goes back down, therefore I need to restart my arma and this is kinda annoying because previously to the update I runned arma very smoothly. I have checked with MSI afterburner and the gpu use is stable around 30% and the cpu around 40% and the ram is used only 6gb. There isn’t cooling problems on it they stay both of them always under 45 degrees.

    What should I do to fix this? Re installing arma is kinda difficult for me because I have an limited internet plan of 30gb and arma is over 30 gb.

    Thanks in advance
