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Arma Milsim

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  1. Arma Milsim

    ArmA Milsim (Swe)

    Arma Milsim A swedish milsim unit that focus on Infantry tactics and play as a swedish ranger company supported by air and artillery. More info or if you are interested in Joint OP in english in the bottom. Who we are We are a Swedish milsim group founded 2017, some of us have been playing milsim since Operation Flashpoint (2001). We are a mix of players with mixed ages, gender and experience. Most of our leaders are IRL officers, some of which currently serving in the swedish army. We believe this may help to provide good realism but also that members without military experience take part in decision making so that we can see ARMA’s limitations. Our gameplay We have based our milsim around a Swedish ranger unit, we take on the same roles, tasks and carry the same equipment as our real life counterparts. MILSIM often means that there is no cheating involved but instead that we make our gameplay as efficient as possible - some of which is reflected in our equipment. ARMA provides some amazing tools and weapon systems but in order to preserve the immersion and realism we have decided not to use some of them. Sometimes we decide mix it up, to jump into the shoes of other soldier, companies and nations depending on the current operation, task and scenario. We will however always strive for that realism and immersion no matter our objective. Training Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00 CEST (excluding debrief)* Operations Sunday 18:00 - 21:30 CEST * * possibility for JIP (join in progress) and QIP (quit in progress) is possible if member has a valid reason. What we offer ArmA 3 Server Discord Server Our own forum and Wiki with information, guides and more Teamspeak Server ArmA 3 Sync Server (for easy mod management) Requirements Our goal is to play realistic milsim in swedish. For one who has never played milsim before this can seem as a large obstacle but fear not, we are here to help you. You need no experience with milsim to join us, we will help you along the way and through the learning curve. You need to be active on our forums where we post information about upcoming events, changes and operations. Be active at least two (2) operations and two (2) trainings a month. (in the beginning we would like to see that you attend all trainings.) Requirements 18+ years old Speaking understandable swedish Arma 3 Arma 3 Apex (DLC) Arma 3 Sync (we will guide you) Teamspeak 3 Approx 120GB free harddrive space More information Discord Youtube channel Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ruthlesslillamy http://www.twitch.tv/thependulium How to become a member If you’re interested to know more feel free to visit our discord and contact “Lillamy” who is responsible for recruitment, if she is not available or online any of our members will be able to help you get started. You can apply to join us at https://www.ruthless.se/pages/recruitarma/ Joint operations In Arma, we maintain a high focus on in-game chain of command, military tactics, combat support, and most of all, teamwork. With a core group of skilled members, we will incorporate anyone into our group, including fresh PC gamers, those new to Arma, and highly skilled Arma veterans. Everyone brings something new to the table, whether it’s out of game skills or in-game experience and knowledge. If your unit is interested in a Joint op feel free to drop in on our discord and make a post in the Joint OP channel.