Hey guys,
im plenty new at scripting so pls dont be to harsh ^^ however the problem im facing is that my script just runs the else part and idk why
Thank u guys for ur time and help :)
init :
this setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true]; this addAction ["Tür aufbrechen", "test.sqf",[this,player]];
_tuer=_this select 3 select 0;
_unit=_this select 3 select 1;
_items = items _unit;
//if (["ToolKit"] in backpackItems _player) then {
if ("ToolKit" in _items) then {
_tuer setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_1",0,true];
hint "Das Schloss ist geknackt";
hint "Du hast kein Werkzeug",;