hi, my name is chris. i've been trying to get in touch with you about your jboy dog script, primarily "training"- making the dog load into the helicopter. i would highly appreciate if you could teach or if it sounds not appealing....... i am willing to pay for a blank mission with the availability to load boomer in the helicopter of the unit's helicopters, and vehicles i use.
it already loads into the m9 hummingbird i think due to it being another hummingbird. But i want to see it in the helicopter in my unit.the helicopter is a BEll 412, the name of the helicopter is BWRU_CH146_GRIFFON_F and it say boomer is not trained to get in the helicopter. Please contact me at Chrisfactor1 on steam usa New Bedford MA, the picture is of a soldier in the shadows and it says peace on the side in white. or contact me at lilred420430@gmail.com..... please title subject to JBOY HELLO!. PLEASE