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About Leschij

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  1. Tell me. Where the launcher takes a list of mandatory mods. If we tart the server from a shortcut with such parameters "J: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ arma3server_x64.exe" -port = 2302 -autoInit -nologs -mod = @ CBA_A3; -config = vtr4 \ config.cfg -cfg = vtr4 \ Arma3.cfg -profiles = vtr4 -name = vtr4 " Shows the required CBA_A3 mod. If you run through the par file "J: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ arma3server_x64.exe" "-par = NOMOD \ NOMOD.par" With such parameters. class Arg { server = "- server"; port = "- port = 2302"; config = "- config = vtr4 \ config.cfg"; CFG = "- CFG = vtr4 \ Arma3.cfg"; profiles = "- profiles = vtr4"; name = "- name = vtr4"; mod = "- mod = @ CBA_A3"; serverMod = "- serverMod = @ CBA_A3"; }; Then it will not display the required CBA_A3 modes in the list. Show the mod CBA_A3 in the list with additional mods Sorry for bad english)