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John Douglas

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About John Douglas

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    Private First Class

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  • Interests
    ArmA3, ArmA2

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  1. Although this is an old post I'm finding it relevant as of now I'm finding the blurry vision occurring after editing and testing the mission. Any thought on this?
  2. Hi chrisbaker1981, Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. This was my hobby horse a year or 2 ago and as a newbie I found the same two things challenged me >> Learning Code & Placing the code << Anyway, I still have all my code and bright ideas, but having had a break and taken on some new projects (Games / Sims) I have become a little rusty. Also my 500gb hard drive is full with Arma2 and now Arma3 downloads, and still behind building that new gaming rig So I was thinking of temporally annexing Arma2, but I haven't. So if you have any further questions post here or contact me directly but it looks like you've solved it !
  3. So I created a column of armor consisting of 1x BMP, 1x Ural transporter and 2xOffroad (DShKM) . But when they enter a town the BMP starts doing a ballet dance around the towns folk. All that's missing is the "excuse me, sorry sir" like a clumsy waiter. I just expected the column to come marching through , I mean drive through, the town center, and if you're in the way there's certainly no ballet show, but you either get flattened or shoved out of the way ! But no shooting cause their civilians ! The column is made up of OPFOR units in a column, SAFE, with speedMode Limited. So what editing Any ideas most welcomed Best regards, and hope everyone is well out there !
  4. Hi, I've been successfully using the ArmA3 Installer since the 25th March, amassing and building my list of mods, and using the "...More v" option to import and export "list of mods" to and from a file. That was up until 5th April I now receive the following message when I import . . . . "We didn't find any new mods to subscribe" in a window warning box titled - "Subscribe mods" I can still successfully 'export a list of mods to a file', and then use the PRESET option to import my mod list successfully. So why is the launcher no longer allowing an "Import list of mods from a file . . . ." using the "...More v" icon ? Is there anything I can reset to fix? Launcher version: 1.5.146096 Game version: 1.96.146114 Branch: main / beta branch not specified
  5. I'm interested in writing a script to have AI soldiers deeploy a MG for ArmA2 OA + ACE add ons. I've labelled two of the three RU soldiers "KORD_Gunner" & "KORD_Tripod". The third soldier being the ammo bearer, and for sake of this exercise have Not considered as relevant in script . I've moved my original post from there to here, of which I've based my code from killzone_kid, substituting in my relevant unit names. Having checked and tested the class names, I am aware of the flowing: - KORD_Tripod carries the "ACE_6T7TripodProxy". - KORD_Gunner carries the "ACE_KORDProxy" as tested in the code below. KORD_Tripod action ["dropWeapon", KORD_Tripod, "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"]; KORD_Gunner action ["dropWeapon", KORD_Gunner, "ACE_KORDProxy"]; KORD_Gunner addEventHandler ["WeaponAssembled", { _this select 0 action ["GetInGunner", _this select 1]; }]; _base = unitBackpack KORD_Tripod; // "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"; // _base = unitBackpack KORD_Tripod; KORD_Tripod action ["PutBag"]; KORD_Gunner action ["Assemble", _base]; At the understanding that the addEventHandler is executed after tripod assembly and appears to use 'target data' supplied from "_this select 0" and "_this select 1" statements, possibly from an 'addaction' command. I've omitted this for testing purposes. Having just attempted a manual assembly of the tripod, I've concentrated on just achieving the tripod assembly using: _base = "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"; // and have also tried_base = unitBackpack KORD_Tripod; KORD_Tripod action ["Assemble", _base]; . . . . . With no success.
  6. Apologies: I have moved this topic to ArmA2 Scripts: Hi, Based on killzone_kids code above, I've attempted to script a version compatible for ArmA2 ACE, however script isn't assembling weapon? My code posted below: I've checked class names for tripods using the LoadOutEditor "LEA", and having tested a similar script to "davidoss" above above using the drop weapon command. ACE doesn't like action "PutBag" command, as backpacks/racks are classed as weapons as I understand it. KORD_Tripod action ["dropWeapon", KORD_Tripod, "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"]; KORD_Gunner action ["dropWeapon", KORD_Gunner, "ACE_KORDProxy"]; KORD_Gunner addEventHandler ["WeaponAssembled", { _this select 0 action ["GetInGunner", _this select 1]; }]; _base = "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"; // was: _base = unitBackpack KORD_Tripod; KORD_Tripod action ["dropWeapon", KORD_Tripod, "ACE_6T7TripodProxy"]; // was: KORD_Tripod action ["PutBag"]; KORD_Gunner action ["Assemble", _base];
  7. Hi, While I'm moving forward with my scripting skills, it's two steps forward and one back. Now I think I need to know how and where I can access the "weapons load" out for "class names", and in particular for example "US_Soldier_B_EP1". Is there a short script I can use, or should I start researching accessing pbo files as detailed here: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&amp;q=31345 Thanks in advance.
  8. Below are links to discussion for a work around solution using "gen_action.sqf" script. Hope this helps! https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/94751-addaction-simplified/ https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/12901-addaction-without-external-script/
  9. This is just awesome . . . . Thanks guys with your persistence, and thanks to demonized for what I'm finding as an interesting piece of code to study and use. Apologies for the initial confusion. Of course it worked off the bat and I couldn't stop playing into the early hours, hence the late response with enthusiasm. Better than Xmas morning for me gentleman.....lol And now I'm off to explore . . . .more code too, that is!
  10. Thanks Maff and MrH, Because I found the ref to the original code in Arma3 I continued the discussion there. . . .But I'm using Arma2. So maybe I should have used a new post. Sorry. I can re-post there if you like Dedmen?
  11. Thanks guys ! Lot to chew over but slowly getting there.
  12. Thank you, And here's one of my solutions as such. Just add "Marker1" to your map ! _null = this spawn { Hunt_players_fnc = { _player = ""; { if (isPlayer _x AND alive _x) then {_player = _x}; } foreach (playableUnits + switchAbleUnits); _Rad = (200 + (floor(random 250))); _wp = _this addWaypoint [getPos _player, (_Rad)]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "_null = (group this) spawn Hunt_players_fnc;"]; _wp setWaypointType "SAD"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wpSAD = getWpPos(_wp); "Marker1" setmarkerpos (_wpSAD); hint format ["Player Position: %1\nS&D _WP: %2", getpos(_player),_wpSAD]; sleep 3; }; _null = (group _this) spawn Hunt_players_fnc; }; However, I am now trying to format this to an sqf file i.e. "HuntPlayersFunction.sqf" file, and execute from the players Initialization box using: null = [this] execVM "HuntPlayersFunction.sqf"; If someone helps me with this I promise to go away to my box for a week . . . LOL Thanks in advance
  13. YES !!!! We have a Eureka moment !!!!! Persistence pays off . . . .LOL Unless I modify the initialization box to: null=this spawn . . . . I keep getting the error "Type Script, expected Nothing" I also deleted my original init.sqf file and retyped in case it was corrupted ! Maybe ! null=this spawn { waituntil { !(isnil "PlayerPosition") }; [_this] spawn PlayerPosition; }; So how do I turn this into my own function ????
  14. I get this Error when I paste your original code from the 6th post into the initialization box. But I'm more than willing to attempt as a function call if this is going to be more efficient. Thanks.
  15. Thanks for elaborating with coded example, and I get your point that execVM is shorter. Currently receive error "Type Script, expected Nothing" So added to the first line . . . Null = this spawn . . . .and shouldn't the 3rd line also read "PlayerPosition.sqf" in quotations?? null = this spawn { waituntil { !(isnil "PlayerPosition.sqf") }; [_this] spawn PlayerPosition; }; I think I can follow the logic of the code when it's published in front of me , but coming up with that ! Yikes ! Apart from trouble shooting with the use of the flowchart and working out what;s initiaised, and what hasn't been. There's No obvious errors to read from, and No clues ?? Where to start ??? I keep reviewing Murrays guide to check if I have missed anything obvious, but I might have to start reverse engineering some mission code too. Thanks in advance again.