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About Epiks-38

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  1. Epiks-38

    No sound in multiplayer

    up again, still found no answer
  2. Epiks-38

    No sound in multiplayer

    So you're saying that you have started the game, gone into a single player scenario, played it fine with sound, then quit the scenario and go back to the menu, go into multiplayer then join a server Exactly And all of a sudden you have no sound? As I entered the multiplayer game, i had no sound Then go back to the menu and play another single player scenario and the sound is back? Exactly again ! Thanks for replying !
  3. Hi everyone, I play Arma3 Apex, everything works fine in solo mode, but playing multiplayer, i have no lag, nice fps, fine graphics, but no sound at all... Can anyone help me ? Thx !