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Everything posted by Petersang

  1. Hello everyone, I am trying to find on the internet a script to do SAR adn extraction missions as an helicopter pilot, but everything that I came across is to old to be used. My idea is : The Helicopter pilot is a player, and his mission is picking up injured troops or civilian from certain point. So basicly the pilot knows where to go lands the ai civilians/troops get in and he devilers them in the campaing hospital. Does anyone got any idea how to do this ? Thanks in advance ;)
  2. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Thank you @TeTeT ill have a look on it ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Yes I have been testing it as well and yes , its what i looked for, ill probably try to add some stuff to it. Thanks you @wogz187
  4. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Thank you very much @wogz187 ill try it ! Ill leave feedback later here ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Thanks @wogz187 when you do can you post it here please ? I appreciate the help. I was testing @TeTeT mission , and is close of what I want but is more insertion/transport related, thats really good work, but I was really looking for the SAR/Extract feature. I'll wait for the upload ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    I was thinking on that yeah, just some bandages applied to soldiers and civilians to be extracted. Ill have a look to that mission you linked. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜‰ And btw i am using unsung mod, great mod ! ๐Ÿ˜„
  7. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    @TeTeT i appreciate that but i am trying to simulate UH-1 extractions like they were done at the time. I really enjoy arma but in a MilSim looking. And what I am looking for CH-46 or CH-53 is a no go helicopter for it. Thanks anyways xD. I really would like to know scripting cause the idea seems pretty simple, but we all know arma xD @zagor64bz if you find some way to do it let me know pls.
  8. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    It's ok, I have time , thanks once again ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Nice. My final objective is putting this in action in a Vietnam War mission. I have tryed for a few days to take something out of that mission but my scripting skill are way to low for it ๐Ÿ˜„
  10. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    If will help there is this mission here, its old but seems that SAR part is still working. I am not able to understand or isolate that part. I'll leave the link of it here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275964321
  11. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    Roger that sir!
  12. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    SAR pilot will only do SAR stuff, CAS or some other duttys will be applyed to other pilot. And thanks for helping ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. Petersang

    SAR / Extraction Script

    @zagor64bz Thank you for replying. First of all sorry for not make my idea so clear, but like you said, my goal is to have one pilot (or more if possible) and they get the call to SAR/Extract someone or a group they go execute , RTB and it repeats itself in some other locations throught the mission time yes.
  14. Helo guys, I'm having an issue in some mission im trying to make. I have a simple paradrop of AI's in a specific area, until that point everything is working just fine. My problem is they got ejected of the plane and when they reach the ground they are dying. The parachutes are opening but they still dying when touching the ground. My general idea is paradrop them, and when they reach the ground they can be killed by players. My question is any help you can give me ? ๐Ÿ˜„ Any code/script i could use to make this work ? Thanks in advance ...
  15. @pierremgi - waitUntil {uiSleep 2; isTouchingGround _unit}; - Solved it, big thanks!
  16. No, I was wondering is there is any condition that could work like allowDamage false until they touch the ground when they do allowDamage becoming true again. I already look for it on the internet but cant find anything like it.
  17. @pierremgi With the uiSleep in 2 they still die, if i make 30 they dont but then i cant kill them after the land ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. @pierremgi it worked ๐Ÿ˜‰ had just to increse the uiSleep for some more seconds and was fine thanks a lot ! PROBLEM SOLVED...
  19. ok ill writte it myself and check it out ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I think the error is on nil and it probably is nul , right ?
  21. I did it with the plane almost falling of the sky and they still die and got injured xD Ill probably be stuck here for some time trying to solve this, but thank you for trying to help..
  22. If i put it all - fn_jump = {params ["_unit"]; _unit allowDamage false; _unit action ["eject",train1]; waitUntil {uiSleep 2; !isNull objectParent _unit}; _unit allowDamage true}; { _x spawn fn_Jump; nil} count assignedCargo train1; - on trigger activation gives me an error.
  23. Sorry but i'm very new to Arma 3 coding and scripting, I put - fn_jump = {params ["_unit"]; _unit allowDamage false; _unit action ["eject",train1]; waitUntil {uiSleep 2; !isNull objectParent _unit}; _unit allowDamage true}; - on trigger act and nothing happened. What am I doing wrong ?
  24. Should I change something or only put that on activstion of the trigger ? Thanks for helping me ๐Ÿ˜‰