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Everything posted by Petersang

  1. @GEORGE FLOROS GR There it is, sorry for the time... The plane path was done by recording it with Unit Capture and i have a simple trigger to make it start - When a civilian enters the trigger area. So when it's done the plane take off and fligh to the drop zone where i have a trigger activated by ownership of the plane's pilot. That trigger make the guys get ejected of the plane with this on activation: p1 action ["EJECT", train1]; p2 action ["EJECT", train1]; p3 action ["EJECT", train1]; p4 action ["EJECT", train1]; p5 action ["EJECT", train1]; p6 action ["EJECT", train1]; p7 action ["EJECT", train1]; p8 action ["EJECT", train1]; p9 action ["EJECT", train1]; p10 action ["EJECT", train1]; p11 action ["EJECT", train1]; p12 action ["EJECT", train1]; p13 action ["EJECT", train1]; p14 action ["EJECT", train1]; p15 action ["EJECT", train1]; p16 action ["EJECT", train1]; p17 action ["EJECT", train1]; p18 action ["EJECT", train1]; p19 action ["EJECT", train1]; p20 action ["EJECT", train1]; p21 action ["EJECT", train1]; p22 action ["EJECT", train1]; p23 action ["EJECT", train1]; p24 action ["EJECT", train1]; p25 action ["EJECT", train1]; p26 action ["EJECT", train1]; p27 action ["EJECT", train1]; p28 action ["EJECT", train1]; p29 action ["EJECT", train1]; train1 is the variable of the plane. The p's are the variable names of each one of the paratroopers, and everything is working ok they get ejected open the parachutes without colliding with each other. Then comes the thing that i am trying to solve when they touch with boots on the ground 60% of them die 😕
  2. Later ill post all the code i have to the process of the paradrop, i'm 100% sure that they only die when they put boots on the ground. They are not hitting each other in the air 😄 Later today i'll post all the thing i have 😉 short on time right now...
  3. For the paradrop none - I used unitCapture to make the route of the plane and used a trigger for starting when i wish to. The paradrop i made it with a trigger too, i named every paratrooper with a variable and I have a trigger where i want them droped with a simple code for ejecting them all. And that is all working as I want, the problem is really the landing xD They are dying when reach the floor. If needed i can post the codes that i'm using. Thanks for trying to help and for the welcome 😉
  4. When is being released the new update ?
  5. Petersang

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hello, I am making a mod of Portuguese Police Forces, and I really would like to have your weapons on it. Is that possible ? I will give all the credit to the Niarms creator for the weapons. Best regards, PeterSang.