Hi, I'm currently working on a script to create a vehicle and add it to a curator. The vehicle spawns but I cannot interact with it in zeus. Here is my script currently:
This is activated by an action:
_arrayObjects = getPos helipad nearEntities [["landvehicle", "air"], 7];
if (count _arrayObjects > 0) then
{hint "The spawn point is blocked";}
{_veh = "rhs_uh60m" createVehicle (getpos helipad);
_veh setDir 41;
[_veh] remoteExec ["scripts\addVehicle.sqf", 2];
This is scripts\addVehicle.sqf where zeus11 is the zeus module variable name:
if (isServer) then {
_veh = _this select 0;
zeus11 addCuratorEditableObjects [[_veh], false];
Thanks in advance!