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About Hattricx

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  1. Great mod. The setgroupid seems to have difficulties with players who JIP. Any way around that?
  2. That fixed it, thanks! Would functions be beneficial if the scripts are only being called during the preparation phase of the mission or would that just be using memory for no real reason?
  3. Hi, I'm currently working on a script to create a vehicle and add it to a curator. The vehicle spawns but I cannot interact with it in zeus. Here is my script currently: This is activated by an action: _arrayObjects = getPos helipad nearEntities [["landvehicle", "air"], 7]; if (count _arrayObjects > 0) then {hint "The spawn point is blocked";} else {_veh = "rhs_uh60m" createVehicle (getpos helipad); _veh setDir 41; [_veh] remoteExec ["scripts\addVehicle.sqf", 2]; }; This is scripts\addVehicle.sqf where zeus11 is the zeus module variable name: if (isServer) then { _veh = _this select 0; zeus11 addCuratorEditableObjects [[_veh], false]; }; Thanks in advance!