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Everything posted by [CLG]DanVonTrap

  1. [CLG]DanVonTrap

    Arma Commander: SP/Coop/TvT Game Mode

    Thanks very much many of my milsim unit have played it now locally and love it, so i cant wait to have 20 plus of us on one map plying this, already started making a custom map.
  2. [CLG]DanVonTrap

    Arma Commander: SP/Coop/TvT Game Mode

    I tried this mod locally last night with 3 friends and it worked perfectly and my friends loved it to. So i then decided today i would make my own map to put on my dedicated server so my community could play it. But when i put the mission file on my dedicated server and put the mod in my param then start the server i am prompted with this error below. Probably a newbie mistake but i have not long been doing this server stuff and im under the impression that mods running on a server need a bikey if it is using signature checks ect which your mod seems to not have. Any help would be great and on the plus side your mod is very good and a lot of fun. Thanks