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Everything posted by KingKoalemos

  1. KingKoalemos


    I tried reading it so this leads me to the question. different factions on BLUFOR and OPFOR just to make sure there was a good diversity of units do I need to go back and make sure they are all in the same subfaction in the scenario and then when I designate factions it should work? I am sorry my question is so basic this is my first run at any type of scripting ever.
  2. KingKoalemos


    I am trying to run this on a Takistan map Warlords game mode and for some reason I keep getting errors on launch and my units wont show up on the buy menu its just vanilla NATO units the error comes out as follows: '...> _x >> str _side >> _type]); } forEach |#|BIS_WL_shoppingList; if (...' Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_wl_shoppinglist File A3\Functions_f_Warlords\Warlords\fn_WLInit.sqf [Bis_fnc_WLInit], line 139 '...tFinal = 0; _cnt = 0; While {_funds.= |#|_cost && _cnt < (4 - count units _this))...' Error undefined variable in expression: _cost Here is what I was running: https://pastebin.com/ndgNKzF6 PLS HELP