hello to all
as you read title i want your help to create an script
script file run by execVM "";in trigger act
script funuction:
We have a few spawn pos+vehicle class
_vehlist = [
"C_Van_01_box_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_sppos = [
] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
then define _entehari
_entehari = [];
and set its group to west
_entehari = creategroup WEST;
and i use spawnvehicle fnc to create veh with it crew
_entehari1 = [_sppos, 0, _vehlist, _entehari] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
then define _car
_car = _entehari1 select 0;
and make move command
_car Move (getPosATL deftank);
every think work correct until where i wand make condition with if to
i want spawn gbu at vehicle spawned when it have distance lessthan 30m with my deftank(object)
i use this code but it dont work,vehicle spawned fine and move to my deftank but if condition not work
if ((_car distance deftank)<30) then {hint"1";};
also i want change hint cmd with gbu create veh,tankyou
main code:
_vehlist = [
"C_Van_01_box_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_sppos = [
] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_entehari = [];
_entehari = creategroup WEST;
_entehari1 = [_sppos, 0, _vehlist, _entehari] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_car = _entehari1 select 0;
sleep 1;
_entehari Move (getPosATL deftank);
_di = _car distance deftank < 30;
if ((_car distance deftank)<30) then {hint"1";};