If I understand correctly you want to essentially show a list of all of the dead units and destroyed assets at the end of/during the mission for later tally.
One way to do this might be a combination of event handlers and a missionNamespace variable, such as an array, you push a classname or identifier to when the object is destroyed. At the end of the mission you could display the list in the debrief screen with a custom section entry in the description.ext, or dump the array to your RPT file using diag_log if you're just interested in gathering the data for later.
I like the idea of logging the entry to the diary instead, but that might be a bit tricky. This post suggests that if you leave the diary entry name the same each time you call to createDiaryRecord it will update the existing entry, so that may be a good way to go about it; adding an eventhandler that just calls createDiaryRecord with the same diary entry name and classname of the object destroyed passed to it.