Im currently working on my police mod. Im trying to add the laws of war van. Whenever i try to add a van in the config, example: Medevac (C_Van_02_medevac_F), it changes to a standard van. I need it to have the light bars on top.
Heres the config.
class C_Van_02_medevac_F;
class DEA_Van : C_Van_02_medevac_F {
_generalMacro = C_Van_02_medevac_F;
scope = public;
side = 1;
faction = "Police";
vehicleClass = "Police_vehicles";
displayName = "DEA Van";
author = "Young Flacko";
weapons[] = {"YF_horn", "YF_yelp"};
audible = 50;
armor = 400;
armorWheels = 400;
armorGlass = 160;
armorEngine = 3.0;
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1", "camo2"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"DEA\data\test1.paa", "DEA\data\test2.paa"};
availableForSupportTypes[] = {"Transport"};
typicalCargo[] = {"DEAUni3_F"};
crew = "DEAUni3_F";
preferRoads = true;
brakeDistance = 7.0;
class Turrets {};
class EventHandlers {init = "Audio_1 = [_this select 0] execVM ""\DEA\sirens\Siren_On.sqf"""};