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Posts posted by WAR326

  1. 3 hours ago, xeno said:

    So you are not using any 3rd party addons/mods?


    Still would be nice to get your server and client RPT files (upload it somewhere, Google drive,etc, and send me the link via private mail)

    Apologise. English language me not native. I'm not understand - how send you the link via private mail? What you private mail?

  2. 56 minutes ago, xeno said:

    I've played on a server with 30 players and AI enabled last weekend. While running to a unconscious player his own AI medic went to him and healed him. That's why I wrote they really do it on their own.



    Can you give me a list of the addons you are using?

    Hello. Yes, i'm can give you list addons wich i'm use. Addons: Zeus, Malden, Marksmen, Apex, Tac-Ops Mission Pack and Contact.

  3. 2 hours ago, WAR326 said:

    I'm launch Domination 4.02 on self computer as server and use about 40 mods. Me have no Global Mobilization. Yes - i"m have DLC Contact. On Domination 4.01 such problem no.

    Now i'm spot else one issue: with setting side mission "less armor" on target mission "Destroy Hangar" appear 8 armor. Apparently it setting not work.

  4. 53 minutes ago, xeno said:

    Well, players are editor placed units and the mission does not move them at all when they connect (only after a player gets killed or he/she uses teleport)


    Now we need to find out why it happens for you (someone else also reported a similar issue)


    Are you or the server using any 3rd party addons/mods?

    Are you running with Global Mobilization? (Though I doubt that it's the cause)

    Do you or the server load Contact stuff?

    I'm launch Domination 4.02 on self computer as server and use about 40 mods. Me have no Global Mobilization. Yes - i"m have DLC Contact. On Domination 4.01 such problem no.

  5. From this DLC need only new map, rest content or crap (aliens story) or already have in mods (RHS). Fans this game await realistic scenarios from stories wars is Chechen and Syria.

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