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Posts posted by doctrinederp

  1. First of all, let me mention that I am mildly hearing impaired.
    during the christmas themed period, the locked box was quite easy for me to open, but now the audio cues when you hit the correct number are much less obvious to me.
    It'd be nice if you reverted to how it was before, or maybe add some other feedback like a vibration on the controller.
    Also some XP for opening it would be appreciated.

  2. 3rd person aiming: the bullet goes exactly where the crosshair falls, even over long distance (no significant bullet drop)
    Even on full auto, theres not much of an accuracy penalty.
    iron sights: the bullet goes anywhere except the spot i'm aiming at.

  3. This rifle is a huge disappointment, especially after using the SVU.
    After testing it on the range, I can score hits on the distant targets more consistantly with the G3 (same ammo, slightly lower muzzle velocity), 3rd person and ADS.
    If you are going to keep the bullet drop, maybe add mil dots to the scope.

  4. maybe booby trapped loot (mines or tripwired grenades) would be a good way to up the danger level if matchmaking can't find enough players to fill a session. sometimes i've waited 7-8 minutes to find a game.
    You could give the player a choice of looting it immediately with high risk or spend some time making it safe for guaranteed reward, and the obvious player vulerability this implies.

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  5. seems to be every single shot weapon that has this bug, semis and full autos don't seem affected.
    I also had a similar problem with a knife just now, I was prone with a sniper rifle when i heard somebody behind me reloading.
    I switched to my knife (AKM bayonet) and stood up, but i could not attack, I was stuck in the aim pose. Jumping cleared it, I got one stab in, then i was stuck again.
    Had to hop/stab like some psychotic super mario to beat the guy.
    I barely got out of that encounter alive with my precious SVU intact.

  6. 10 hours ago, Sleepyc18 said:

    Some one tried that with me it never works just jump a gate or rail then the cowards go running and hiding i haven't died to a knife yet

    you're one of the smart ones then, I get more knife kills than gun kills lately. I think they must be using ADS up close instead of hip firing.
