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Posts posted by ILVIThNI

  1. I know nothing of terrain building myself. At least what you are seeking is a pretty good simple start for learning. I would search some tutorials, start small, and learn it piece by piece the best you can. Don't overwhelm yourself right off from the start. Crawl, walk, run until you get there.


    Also consider inquiring with a team already working on a map and see if you can contribute in order to progress your own skills.

  2. 4 minutes ago, fingolfin said:


    CAG doesn't really use SCARs but I'll add one operator with a SCAR-H anyway.


    I won't add more dependencies. So, this is a no on these helmets.

    Oh I understand on the dependencies. Was just curious if you had seen them. I never really see the helmets get used by anyone.


    CAG may not use them but USAF CCTs do I believe. Since you have a CCT in there already, it could be a good place to plug one in if you want to leave your CAG units more authentic.



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  3. 5 hours ago, m1lkm8n said:

    Well keep us informed. We certainly need alive working. 

    Absolutely need ALiVE. The are a number of Afghan maps but most of them are pretty poor with ALiVE. If this map is ALiVE friendly, I am gonna build myself a house on it and never leave.


    24 minutes ago, marceldev89 said:

    Yep, in the case of Lythium all that was needed was a proper re-index. The building IDs changed shortly after we did our last index which was the reason civilians were not spawning properly. Not sure how we overlooked that in the first place. 😕

    @marceldev89 Not the best place for this question but since you mentioned it, what is the current condition of Lythium w/ ALiVE? I believe the last time I tried it I had stuff blowing around me from ambient vehicle spawns.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, da12thMonkey said:

    The "deploy" version should already be able to supply ammo, fuel, repair functions.

    For the others, you can script a repair/ammo/fuel supply object to sit in the back with setVehicleCargo and it should do what ever you want.

    Not until someone models one.

    Awesome.  That will fill a nice niche within the SOCOM faction if it gets expanded upon in the future. Now you just need a working wench on it for when its 4x4 little brother flips over. The Stryker got my heart fluttering and looks very promising. Just throw us a GMV and an M-ATV armed to the teeth SOF style. Then my Arma dreams will be complete. If you could add in the trailer as well it would be appreciated...jk haha. Just keep up the good work. How much RHS has brought to the community is really beyond words. You have spoiled us with all that you have provided.


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