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Everything posted by Kyebosh

  1. Thanks for quick reply and thanks for clearing up some of those things. I kind of clued into that island thing shortly after posting. lol. Thanks for the feed back on the suggestions. I figured modding can be tricky; just thought I would throw some ideas out there. As for the carrier movement and camera sequence. I had mentioned it because there was a time i travelled part way around the island while watching the barque enter my carrier. turning and everything, i was trying to inch in for a better shelling position. lol. Basically had to sit and wait till it was done before i could carry on moving. In any case, great mod. Thoroughly enjoying it. thanks for the Hotfix.
  2. Hey guys, First off just want to say Kudos, great mod! Thanks for all the hard and continual work (looks like you guys are still working on it). I grew up on the old Carrier Command and was stoked they made a remake. Despite all of its flaws I enjoyed it but you guys are making me it way better. Thanks again. I'll try to be as blunt as possible to minimize the lengthy reading. =) Did a quick search and scan and didn't find my answers so apologies if I'm restating things. Bought game couple of days ago, playing through steam. Have your latest version. 1)- Neutral islands on "Classic" seems fine. On "Weak" or higher some islands have scramblers preventing access to command centre despite no scramblers to destroy to increase telemetry. Island now unobtainable.... 2)- First played unmodded on Beta version through steam. Happened more often than not. After modding, still happens, although frequency a little less I believe. Supply Barque delivers items but gets stuck way off in the distance. Have to drive carrier over its head to get it moving back home. 3)- Playing with carrier exclusion for the first while. Enemy/Neutral/Friendly isles 1/3 each. Enemy took a couple of islands then sat dormant for the majority of my game. Arriving at an island where he was, alarms went off as per normal. Carrier icon on my radar but not on map or in game. I took island then left. He started moving again. I started a new game soon after so hard to say the aftermath of it. But he sat dormant for a very very long time. I don't think that was normal. 4)- Started new game. Tech 1, 1 friendly 5 enemy islands. Enemy isles set to deadly for all and neutral maxed. so far no turrets on any neutral islands and all enemy islands are weak. Are these settings suppose to adjust in this case or will they get to those points as I progress through my game? 5)- Scout drone, even with Lvl2 TacScan seems to have a hard time picking up neutral turrets. I literally have to land on some of their heads to make them show in my map screen. Enemy not so much. some still don't show while others do, but overall works better on enemy islands. These are some things that I've ran into so far since started playing. would love an answer to #1 cause kind of a pain in the arse not being able take an island. --------------------------------------------------------- Some Thoughts and Suggestions ------------------------------------------- Love all the features. Thought I would throw some down for ya that were inspired by all your hard work. 1)- My scout drone is not restricted by telemetry. I feel like it should be. 2)- Nothing seems to target my scout drone. I can pretty much touch noses with turrets and units and nothing shoots at it. Its practically invincible, except death by no fuel. I can understand that it might be the lowest priority, but when enemies are bored and it is in range. Bang Bang. Maybe at height it can escape detection, but not at close prox. 3)- Maybe allow full movement including up and down of the scout drone while in the camera mode. I lose all references with the fixed movement camera when trying to manually navigate it or fine tune its position. Maybe tap Q or Z to align camera, and hold Q or Z to adjust height, and then when moving (WASD) it doesn't jump back to the fixed cam but stays with what ever cam you are currently in. 4)- Love the Scout Drone target list. tagging is a nice feature, and works well for automated engagements; but when I engage in my manta manually, for a tagged target I find I'm still pretty blind in locating it to actually fire upon. I have to cross reference my radar, with my compass, then look through the weather and trees and buildings to figure out where it actually is in reference to me. Might be nice that a tagged target also gets a target icon around it in the main screen like any other target you get close to, but make it a separate colour than all the other types of target icons, and either make it visible no matter where you are, or give it a way greater range so you can tactically approach it without having to do a bunch of cross referencing. 5)- Also I find when approaching a swarm of targets, trying to get missile lock on a specific target can be frustrating when it won't get off of an unwanted target like a dumb droid. Having a key to switch targets would be nice. Or even the ability to lock in a target (missiles or not) so you can keep track of it while everyone is maneuvering around. Maybe while in locked mode, you can push and hold the swap target button and it will free up the lock, you can switch targets by changing your facing or how it naturally does it and then when releasing the button it locks the new target in, or you have the option of tapping it and cycling through the numerous targets. 6)- Thought it would also be nice while the TacScan list is up, whatever unit your in, and whatever target you are currently looking (targeting), it will highlight in the tacscan list. I find sometimes the targeting icon will be visible but the info of what it might be in the main screen isn't readily available (they sometimes have titles "turret", "walrus". etc.. above the icon, but fades in when you are in kissing distance it seems like). If you have an advance tracking system going, might be nice to get instant info of who you are actually tracking. 7)- Love the feature when shelling you can quick look through the drone, even aim and fire while in that view. I think it would be nice to have that option regardless if a target is tagged or not. if you are in your offensive tab, and your drone is out. you can quick look where ever the drones camera is pointing. If a target is tagged, the camera will lock to its position as it does. 8)- Like the new camera angles and animations. Like the supply barque. nicely done. However, there are times when i was in need of maneuvering my cruiser manually just as it arrived and i get stuck watching this lengthy cut scene of getting resupplied. I like watching it, but having the option to swap out of it would be good. maybe have the ability to swap through all the camera angles including that one when its happening. That way you can jump back in and watch the ending of it if you wanted to. But to have that option for all your cameras. Drone bay, undocking mantas and walrus--be able to cycle through your wide angle, HUD shot, 3rd person shot. etc... while undocking/docking. etc.. 9)- All your lists, (adv prod *which by the way is awesome. something they neglected to bring in from the old game*, nearest islands. etc...) the ability to scroll through them with a mouse wheel as well. i.e. nearest islands when your mouse cursor is in and over your menu, cause I know it zooms otherwise. (something i find out every freaking time lol) 10)- Nearest island list. I disabled it at first but started to get accustomed to it. Kind of wish there was an option to keep it displayed continuously as well. 11)- Haven't used it yet, but your move carrier to initial anchor point, that potentially could become an enemy island could it not? possibly sending it your stockpile instead? that will always be a safe haven. Lastly 12)- I've read up on the Nemisis mod. I like the idea of constantly pushing back the carrier until you defeat it at its last owned island. Had thought where it would be nice that it was the same for the good guys. I've had many accounts (old and remake) where I arrived at an island to face off with the carrier unable to win, sadly saving it just prior and thus not being able to change the outcome. Getting your arse kicked doesn't have to be game over. you lose a ship/die, you can have "reinforcements" or another carrier was being built in the mean time and you as another commander jumps in and carriers on your game. Hopefully you stocked up on carrier weapons to re equip your carrier... would help extend the game and not have losing a match with the enemy a game restart, or even a reload, i feel like thats cheating lol. ------------------------- Just some thoughts. I've coded minor things, but can't imagine all the work you guys put into this. Somethings might be hard/easy, doable/impossible, but thought i would throw them at ya if any of it helps or peaks interest. Thanks again for the sweet Mod Cheers.