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About sisirk01

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  1. Is it possible within this menu to add colors to the vehicle parts needing to be repaired based on their damage percentage like dayz mod was? ASL_Show_Repair_Options_Menu_Array = [ ["Repair Menu",false], ["Repair Body",[0],"",-5,[["expression","['repairCarHull'] Call salvage_setup"]],"1","1"], ["Repair Wheel",[0],"",-5,[["expression","['repairWheel'] Call salvage_setup"]],"1","1"], ["Repair Engine",[0],"",-5,[["expression","['repairCarEngine'] Call salvage_setup"]],"1","1"], ["Repair Fuel Tank",[0],"",-5,[["expression","['repairCarFuel'] Call salvage_setup"]],"1","1"], ["Repair Glass",[0],"",-5,[["expression","['repairCarGlass'] Call salvage_setup"]],"1","1"] ]; showCommandingMenu ""; showCommandingMenu "#USER:ASL_Show_Repair_Options_Menu_Array"; salvage_setup = { _vehicle = cursorObject; _action = _this select 0; [_action,_vehicle] execVM 'Custom\advancedRepair\Bones_fnc_salvageAndRepair.sqf'; }; I would like to have a hitpoint item show up on the menu in different colors depending on it's current damage.. I have come across the following switch to give an idea of what I am looking for but cannot for the life of me get the menu to work as I would like. if (_damage > 0) then { _color = switch true do { case (_damage <= 0.25): {"color='#00ff00'"}; //green case (_damage <= 0.50): {"color='#ffff00'"}; //yellow case (_damage <= 0.75): {"color='#ff8800'"}; //orange default {"color='#ff0000'"}; //red }; Any help is much appreciated, thanks :)
  2. Hi, Since the CUP update in October 17 all Land_Ss_hangar doors are closed on server start. Is it possible to write a script that can be run in order to open all of the Land_Ss_hangar doors when the server is started? Any help is much appreciated, thanks!