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Ollie Hillman

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About Ollie Hillman

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  1. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    The zombies wasn't really the point its more the first paragraph, I wouldnt really play zombies... It wouldn't be identical I think it would be the next step for console gaming I think. CoD and BF just aren't as good as ARMA for realism as their mechanic is too focused on cinematic rather than the vast landscapes. ARMA gives you war with truely no boundaries. I can go hike up a mountain and snipe you from there without hitting an invisible wall
  2. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    http://forums.codemasters.com/discussion/131920/operation-flashpoint#latest Happy?
  3. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    What about those that liked Dragon rising and want to see a future for the genre in console gaming? I'd hardly call it sub-par they built bloody skira
  4. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    You guys don't get the point... Yh I could afford a rig but quite frankly I don't want to lay out that kind of money it's ridiculous and if you guys are doing that every few years it is you who need to get your priorities straight. I get that your game is how you like it at the moment and your game will always be there but you guys are being selfish and short sighted if you want it to stay on computer. even if Operation flashpoint wasnt bohemia their whole game stems from there. I'm not particularly fond of story telling I like game mechanic go play a tell tale game if you want that. you guys are diehard fans but all of you minus Stike-nor have spoken like spoilt brats just slating me.
  5. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    Deleted to avoid confusion. Forum Mods collapsed two threads into one
  6. Ollie Hillman

    How I Think Bohemia Should Move Forward

    MOBA has made a break into console gaming and I know you moved away from consoles due to a poor reception you were getting. Flashpoint is an epic game but all you needed was the customisation of red river in with the multiplayer of dragon rising and that would've been it you would've had console gamers. Maybe with the popularity from PC gamers it's your time to move back to console again look at the change in the industry and the reception MOBA is now getting. Leave PC gaming to Age of Empires 4 and games of that ilk where a keyboard and mouse makes more sense than a controller
  7. Apologies if this is the wrong place but the game doesn't exist yet. I posted it in Bohemia Interactive General and it just got blow away by putlocker posts Okay so I know I am going to take a lot of heat for my opinions due to the client base that bohemia already has but really this will make more money. Before I Explain I'm Going to Make Some Quick Points for Lazy Readers. [Pre-Edit] Return to Console, Character customisation (including: equipment, country, regiment, gender, race, face/body structure, makeup/warpaint/camo), Larger maps, Modern day setting, zombies, player built structures [Post-Edit with some stolen ideas] Voice commands for squad controls, More focus on Naval and Air battle, WW1/2 DLC. Pre-Edit Detailed Explanation Arma is a very inaccessible game for the vast majority of people. I for one prefer spending money on things to better my existence and i've not got £2000 to lay out on a computer which I am literally buying to play Arma. I have had a laptop that could manage Arma and I bought Arma 2 + all expansion pack then threw a hissy fit because it didn't have loadouts didn't play it then my brother broke my laptop. I am 21 years of age and I haven't got the time nor inclination to build PC and to be honest I'm going to be buying a console. The thing is I pre-ordered OF:dragon rising and never stopped playing it on my xbox. I think your game ended because me and my mate obliterated everyone on the multiplayer for a very long time - soz. Me and him then Co-oped up for red river and saw the resurgence on Dragon rising before it ended again. I still speedrun missions on red river on my own but I'm level 20 everything and I have every gold medal. I just want a chance to show my godlike abilities again and enjoy me some Arma. I know the thing is "we have all these buttons for Arma it can't go console" do you need all said buttons really? a fair sacrifice for a game that will sell better I think. Also next gen consoles require you to download all you games but I'd suffer that, I'd even sync external hard-drives for this shiz. I'm not even saying it has to be Arma because lets face it Bohemia you have messed up your universe anyway, you are no Valve on that front; I, for one, don't particularly care and I've loved you since day dot screw the new age hipster nerds. Things I want you to add though just being English, I like the SAS and my Military and I'm sure its the same in finland, Russia, Spain and America. As a minimum for Multiplayer let us have our own geezer (decent character customisation please want my guy to look like me or some buff soldier chick with wham breasts, tight bum, slim waist and makeup options) with our flags and gear and stuff on. (different search filters for country, regiment and manufacturer) It's not to much to ask I don't think for you guys to do your research for the equipment of at least all members of the UN security council. I know you're thinking how can we involve all the countries? Cold war divide splitting the world in two without the individual countries losing their identity - and screw all this future warfare stuff, forget it happened. I want real vehicles and weapons. Also zombies survival would be a cool addition for your multiplayer character loadouts with a construction element doesn't have to be anything fancy a halo forge type thing would work for me. Most importantly for me though. Skira Island needs to come back and you need to build more maps of that scale - soz. Even if skiras DLC and you make one new map I'm cool brah. You need to appeal to a wider audience that means: Console gaming, Loadouts and simplification of controls. The reason that Dragon Rising died was purely loadouts. At the time of release you had the COD market but they returned to COD within hours of gametime over loadouts then told their friends not to get it. Post-Edit Detailed Explanation So I have posted this thread once elsewhere but there were more points to add and I may touch on some stuff I already spoke about. Voice Commands for Squad Controls: Obvious this one, let me say "team, engage rifleman", "Formation: wedge" "Team Move" or "requesting CAS" saves time and add emersion Naval/Air battles: I know its about ground forces but most special forces are deployed via these methods and CAS has been phased out a bit and I don't like it. WW1/2 DLC: This game is possibly the best one to do WW1 as battlefield did it wrong as for realism in my opinion. Trench warfare would be insane in this game and with my next point it would be made even better. WW2 would be simple but we all love a bit of WW2, even if it was just equipment would be cool. Player built structures: I touched on it before using Halo Forge as an example, but imagine if we could build trenches and things, give it a minecraft element, maybe if it was like a toolkit item in your backpack that brought up like what you'd get bringing up a crafting table in minecraft and then you get like the halo forge placing thing but with time being consumed to place said wall/trench/tunnel. Zombies: coming back to this I know DayZ and all that but if it was intergrated into one game even as DLC would be nice especially for console gaming [Any future points I will just add on beneath here much like Post-Edit Detailed Explanation] Please be mature in your responses avoid being butthurt a mans entitled to his opinion and bad spelling. Bohemia Devs if you want to clear anything up about my concept feel free to contact my email I know Devs don't taking advice though I don't mind.