Hey guys,
I try to host a server to play with my friends, but it does not work. When my friends want to connect to my server, they get the message "The server does not answer".
I have opened the ports in my router and on my pc, but it still does not work...
Fritzbox ports: https://gyazo.com/aa80a63a6e38f35ac8a88c949d716ae2 (Ipv6 ports are disabled, i don't know why and i don't know how to activate them)
Pc ports: https://gyazo.com/6439d8fc12d31643d758d5e7541898a1
When i host a server , it is only displayed under Lan (not internet). So i tried to host a server with TADST but i have the same probleme. It loads the missionfile and so on, but it is only displayed under Lan.
I hope u can help me.